Sewing Beginners: 5 Insider Tips to Know Before You Sew

Whether you’ve been eyeing off sewing for a while as your next hobby to dive into, you’ve just received a brand new sewing machine, or even if you’ve been swamped and unable to sit down with that pile of fabulous fabrics to start your sewing journey, you’ll want to read this blog post first!

You’re keen to get sew a few things, you’re feeling a but nervous, wondering whether you’ve even got the time for a new hobby or not. Never mind that it seems like all “those other” creatives can whip up anything, any time and you don’t even yet know what you don’t know! Pfew! 😅

I get it. That was me too!

Which is why I’ve put together these 5 pieces of advice you should know before you start sewing. It’ll get you excited, curious, and relieve the stress of any of the doubts and hiccups that might pop-up for you! Ready?

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5 things I wish I knew before I learned to sew

Sewing need to know 01- Making mistakes is OK

Psst! Everybody makes mistakes sometimes, especially when starting something new. In the world of sewing, making mistakes is not only inevitable but also an integral part of the learning process. Yes, you read that right! It might sound completely cliché, but instead of getting discouraged, see mistakes as way to learn new skills and improve your sewing can-do.

And when a seam goes awry or the stitches don’t align, remember: the seam ripper is there to rescue you, patiently awaiting its chance to undo slip-ups and clear the way for a better final result. Seam ripper, the unsung hero of the sewing tool kit. We salute you! 🫡

Sewing need to know 02- Learn to read sewing patterns

Here’a a biggie: before you dive into that sewing project, give the pattern and instructions a good read-through. They’re like a travel guide for your sewing journey (even when it sometimes looks more confusing that a map of the London Tube rail system!).

Wrap your head around the pattern lingo – you know, stuff like seam allowance and cut on the fold and right sides together. No rush, taking a few minutes before you start will reduce the chance of tears later!

Get started here 👉 with a few basic sewing pattern terms you’re sure to come across.

Sewing need to know 03- Care for your sewing machine

Your sewing machine is not just your trusty sidekick on your DIY creative adventures, but more like your BFF. And like real best friends, this friendship also requires some TLC. Regular care keeps it humming smoothly and avoids those annoying (tantrum-inducing!) hiccups mid-project.

Clean out the lint, oil the gears, and give it a little pat on the back for a job well done. Treat it right and it’ll keep turning your big fabric dreams into reality. Show that sewing machine some love, and it’ll be your creative partner for the long haul!

Wanna see how easy it is to perform a quick sewing machine service? Read here 👉 how to care for your sewing machine at home.

Sewing need to know 04- Take it slow

Now let’s talk about patience… Sewing requires concentration and patience. And when you’re new to the sewing game, looooots of patience!

Take your time to understand each step, and don’t rush through the project. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race.

No need to rush; instead give yourself the gift of time. Even if it means only sewing for a few minutes at a time, in between all of your other commitments! Working without that ticking time pressure lets you focus on nailing each step, getting comfy with your machine, and building sewing skills that last to help you on your creative journey.

Sewing need to know 05- There’s always more to learn

It’s not only sewing newbies who can learn something new at the sewing machine. Even seasoned stitchers know there’s always some new tool, technique or trick out there to discover and master!

Sewing is like an endless treasure trove of skills and experiences. So, keep that learning vibe alive. Stay open to picking up new skills, trying out fresh ideas, and watch your sewing abilities continually grow and improve.

Sewing is all about growth. Keep an open, learning mindset and dazzle yourself with the increasingly amazing things you can create!

More helpful sewing resources to help you get started

Essential Sewing Tools

Straight Line Sewing Patterns for Beginners

Inspiring Life Lessons to Learn from Sewing

Printable Sewing Practice Sheets

Remember this: sewing is a journey, not a race.

Embrace the bumps, cherish the learning curves, and savour each step. From decoding pretty sewing patterns to getting up close and personal with your sewing machine, it’s all part of the creative ride. So, go ahead, make mistakes, take your time, and never stop learning!

Did you find this helpful? If you’ve been sewing for a while, are there any other pieces of advice you’d share with a sewing newbie?

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