Summertime Survival: 15 Hilarious Memes Every Parent Can Relate To

Ah, summer break—that glorious time of year filled with endless possibilities, when school is out, and the kids are home for a couple of months. As mums, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of this sunny season, envisioning lazy days, trips to the beach, family vacations, and plenty of quality time with our little ones.

But let’s be real for a moment: parenting during summer break isn’t always the picture-perfect experience we dream of it being.

While summer brings plenty of fun and unforgettable moments, it also presents unique *ahem* challenges for parents. From managing the kids’ boundless energy (and appetites!) to finding ways to keep them entertained and ensuring they stay safe in the water and under the burning sun, summer parenting requires a whole new level of creativity and resourcefulness.

And patience. Lots and lots of patience. 😅

We all know that laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to stay sane in the chaos of summer parenting than through laugh-out-loud memes?

Whether you’re a seasoned parent or a newbie navigating your first summer break with the kids you’ll surely get a kick out of these 15 hilarious, summertime parenting memes.

If you’re also after some practical tips for getting ready for travel with the kids or simply some fun, easy ways to keep them entertained this summer, I’ve got you covered too!

Let the laughter (and packing!) begin!

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31 Horrid Halloween Jokes for the Whole Family

Here on Everything’s Famtastic I’m always sharing my love of sewing and fun creative projects.. Like the last post with loads of ideas for easy Halloween home décor to make.

But, I ALSO love to have some laughs. What’s life without a bit of laughter, right?!?

That’s why, in honour of Halloween this October, I put together this list of 31 side-splittingly funny Halloween jokes for you.

You’ll find vampire jokes, ghost jokes, monster jokes and plenty of surprises too.

And yes, they are also suitable for the kids to cackle along with you. 😂

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Hilarious Mom Memes You NEED to Share with Your Friends!

Not every day feels like Mother’s Day.

Motherhood can be fun. And it can be tough. Motherhood can be filled with surprises. But it can also be overwhelming. Motherhood can be rewarding. Motherhood can be a million different things. All in one day sometimes!

But what we Mums all need and appreciate is LAUGHTER. And often. You know the saying, “if you don’t laugh you’ll cry”, don’t you?

There are days when being able to laugh out loud is the only thing that gets us through to bedtime, right?!?

Which is why I have put together a bunch of totally relatable, hilarious, laugh-out-loud memes for Mamas.

Read, smirk, laugh, nod knowingly, smile, share with your Mom friends, whatever!

I just want you to enjoy having your funny bone tickled 🤣.

Keep scrolling and enjoy giggling at the good, bad and ugly reality of being a Mom!

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33 Mega Funny Jokes for Kids That Will Make Them Laugh Out Loud

Who DOESN’T love to have a good laugh? NO-ONE, right?!?

After this past year we’ve experienced, it’s as good a time as any to put on your silly hat, sit down with the kids and share a belly-aching, laugh-out-loud session together.

Sharing jokes with your kids is a great way to spend time fun together as a family. It also gives children a chance to improve their reading and story-telling skills, encourage word-play and of course , cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down.

I’ve put together 33 thoroughly hilarious jokes guaranteed to make your kids crack up and give you a giggle too.

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5 Fabulously Fun Ways to Test Your General Knowledge

In this week’s post I am going for something completely different. Not sewing-related, although I am working on a post with simple instructions to sew your own mouth & nose mask. Not how best to learn a new hobby in 5 days (who needs that pressure ?!?). Not even keeping the kids entertained if they’re home from school. (If you want some suggestions for that, you’ll need to read here.)

This is just for you. This one is for the grown-ups. 😊

No, not because it is X-rated! It’s because it’s time for sharing some simple, guilty pleasures for parents who may be struggling with the chance to win a little “me time” lately. Let’s see a raise of hands: Who couldn’t use a little more time to laugh and chill out these days?

Given the circumstances worldwide at the moment, all things online are getting a real workout! I know that sometimes within my own house my laptop’s internet connection drops out and I need to wander around the house to see just how many other family members are sucking the connection dry 😉. For so many of us, it is our only connection to the wider world: to friends and family, to entertainment and learning options, to culture and sport and much more.

quiz, mobile phone, fun, general knowledge, online quiz, pin, Pinterest

So, in the name of “me time” and/or zoning-out-time-wasting I have searched the internet and found you a sample of some fun, free quizzes to give you a laugh. Some of these quizzes will even give those grey cells a workout in these unusual times.

Are you curious? Are you ready for a little fun? Count me in!

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The Art of Creating Special Memories

This week I am not going to dilly-dally around. I’m going to get straight into it. So… Who doesn’t believe in love? And romance? And beautiful gifts from your special someone?

This past weekend was Hubby’s and my wedding anniversary. Our 12th to be exact. Which, whether you like it or not, we are just going to pat ourselves proudly on the back. Anyone who has ever been married knows that despite loving someone with all your heart, there are times when there can be other, not-so-poetic ways, to describe your feelings for this person. Marriage can be great. But it can also be hard work.

So when another years passes by and you can honour the fact that yes, you are still together, you are still in love with each other and you still want to stick by each other, it’s worth celebrating. Am I right?!?

So when we celebrated those 12 years together, it was the most magical, romantic, memorable day of the year. Or was it?….

**cue suspenseful music**

Continue reading “The Art of Creating Special Memories”

Back to School Time

Here we go for another round of Everything’s Famtastic, with your happy host, Jenny!! How were things in your part of the world this past week?

We’re doing OK here. School holidays finished. Early school mornings have started again. It’s going to take some getting used to. We need some time to find our “groove” again. It was only a 3-day school week to start the school year off with. You know, the type that everyone likes, where you don’t have to face a full 5-day uphill battle of re-resetting your circadian rhythms after a 6-week hiatus 😉.

But seriously, these past few days of school and kindergarten [preschool] actually flowed surprisingly well. Not once did the kids complain about being woken up. No grumbling during breakfast time. No grouchy faces when it came time to walk out the door. Even no protesting when it was homework time in the afternoon.

**High fives all round dear family!**

What happened to my kids?!?

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6 Must-Haves for Road Trips with Kids (and How to Survive Them)

Hellooooo! It’s me! I am back in the land of Everything’s Famtastic after being AWOL these past 2 weeks. I do have a perfectly valid excuse: we were on our family summer holiday!

As alluded to a few weeks back in my list of super summer activities and “Bring on Summer Holidays!” I said that we were planning our summer holidays trip. We had such a famtastic time in Croatia! I can HIGHLY recommend a visit. All of the people we encountered were lovely, friendly, helpful… we had a new language to try out (“hvala!”)… the weather was sunny and hot… views are stunning… gorgeous beaches… icecream every day… What more could you want for a summer holiday?!?

Hubby and I knew that we had to prepare well for the trip. Nobody wants to have 3 kids whining “Are we there yet?” 30 minutes into the drive, right? Am I the only one who has ever fantasised about having one of those glass partitions installed in the family car? You know what I mean? Between the driver and the backseat passengers. Like, in fancy-pants limousines and such. After a few rounds of “Are we there yet?”, just press the magic button and the upwards gliding of a pane of soundproof glass is the last thing you’ll hear for the next hours 😉.

Oh OK, of course we would never actually DO that. But don’t pop my daydream bubble, alright?!?

tips, how-to, roadtrip, parenting, road trip with kids

So, big trips with children call for military-precision planning. And plan is what we did. Today I’m here to help you out by sharing with you the items we packed for the kids (and us grown-ups) to make the journey as bearable, er, entertaining as possible.

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Why Women Should Go Out with Their Girlfriends

Hi there! How has your week been? Did you try out those sewing instructions I shared last week? How did it go? Our week here has been a bit of a mixed bag. Master 5 has a nasty cold which has left him with a mild temperature, a few meltdowns and a helluva lot of snot. Our ambitions to tidy our household a’la KonMari have temporarily stalled. Hello! Lack of time! BUT we did make a trip to IKEA and stocked up on approximately 1000 storage tubs to assist us as we sort through the rumble that exists in a few corners of our house.

One thing that I have been getting excited about this coming week is an upcoming girls’ night. Huzzah! Catching up with friends is one thing that I DEFINITELY wish would happen more often. If only it could happy more often. Once again: Hello! Lack of time!

One of the lovely ladies I am actually meeting up with recently came across an article (in a German magazine) about why women should meet up with their friends more often. And since I, of course, agree 100%, I thought I would look into this some more and share some thoughts with you all today.

I mean, what could be better than being told that you SHOULD go out with friends more often?!?

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Mum the Taxi

Do you ever have those days when you feel like you have spent the whole time in the car driving here and there and everywhere? Sounds like a great title for a Dr Seuss book: “I’lldrive you here, I’ll drive you there, I’ll drive you everywhere!” Right?!? But not a great way to enjoy the afternoon.

parenting, getting organised, planning, pin, PInterest

Wednesdays are a PITA. My nemesis, if you will. You see, Wednesdays are the day when all 3 of my children need to be picked up and/or dropped off at least one place each, all with the most inconvenient spacing between appointments. It is not the only day of the week that we have plans, but it is the most heavily-booked.

Grab a cup of your favourite hot beverage (or alcoholic if you choose, LOL), get comfy and strap yourself in for the fun rollercoaster-ride of my afternoon (and some tips on how to organise days like this!)…

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