5 Helpful Ways to Organise Your Sewing Space & Maximise Your Sewing Time

Are you ready to embark on a journey to transform your sewing space into a well-organised sanctuary of creativity? Having an organised workspace is essential for unleashing your full sewing potential and reducing overwhelm and stress levels during your precious creative time!

Diving into a new sewing project is always exciting, am I right?!? But often, our dreams and plans outrun our workspace’s capacity to keep up.

For those of us balancing the joys of sewing with busy work schedules and family life, maintaining an uncluttered and ready-to-sew space can feel daunting. (Those memes about sewing and fabric hoarding are popular for a reason, you know. 😉)

Yet, a clean and orderly sewing area is not just a pipe dream; it is actually doable. 💪

Just a few weeks ago I was sharing with my newsletter subscribers some quick Spring-cleaning tips for getting their sewing spaces organised. But keeping your creative area clear and ready doesn’t actually have to be a once-in-a-year cleaning frenzy!

This post unravels practical tips to transform your sewing area into an organized haven where your creativity can freely flow and every tool is right where you need it. Well, usually… 😅

From innovative storage solutions to simple habits that prevent clutter and chaos, these strategies are designed to help you maximize your space and sewing time, no matter how much or how little you have of either.

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Budget-friendly Tips to Make Your Sewing Space More Efficient So You Can Sew Faster

01. Declutter your sewing stash regularly

Do your drawers look something like this?!? 👆 🙈 Regular decluttering is essential to keep your sewing space manageable, especially if your working space is limited!

Set aside time each month to go through your supplies, fabrics, and tools. Donate or discard items you no longer need or that have seen better days. (Are you really going to use that 3 cm piece of lace and the broken zipper??? 🤔)

By keeping only what you truly need and love, you’ll create a more functional and enjoyable workspace AND keep your stress levels down when searching for the things you need right now.

02. Use storage containers for your fabrics and sewing tools

Utilise a variety of storage solutions to keep everything in its place.

Clear bins and boxes allow you to easily see what’s inside without having to open them and dig around. This can be a timesaver and also keeps your space looking neat. I must confess, I am a sucker for Ikea storage bins. Our house is full of them!

Small containers or drawer organizers are perfect for buttons, threads, and other small notions as well as spare needles and presser feet for your sewing machine. You don’t have to go out and spend piles of money on these either… I have repurposed loads of small jars and tubs (think, empty hair conditioner, body moisturiser etc) for precisely this purpose! Practical storage + less waste in the rubbish = Win! 🤩

03. Use labels and/or colour-coding to organise your sewing supplies

Labelling shelves, tubs, boxes, and bins makes it easier to find what you need quickly and helps you remember where things go when it’s time to tidy up. Consider using a label maker or decorative labels for a fun touch.

Try organising your fabrics by type (wovens, knits etc) and colour. Sorting threads and other supplies by colour (you know, like they do at your local fabric store!) can also help to make them easier to find and coordinate for your projects. Not only does this create a visually appealing and pretty workspace, but it also streamlines the process of selecting all the bits and pieces you need for your projects.

04. Keep track of your sewing projects with a journal

Consider maintaining a sewing journal for your sewing projects.

Use it to can jot down ideas, keep track of ongoing projects, and note any supplies you need to restock when you’re done. Include sketches, fabric swatches, sewing machine settings, pattern names and details to remember your completed projects.

This helps you stay organized and saves you time when you want to locate a specific pattern or sewing technique you’d like to use again.

☝️ Tip: I’ve created a printable sewing journal to help you with this. Grab the sewing journal sheets here.

05. Have a regular cleaning routine of your sewing space

Make it a habit to clean your sewing area after each project. A clean and tidy workspace is more inviting and helps keep you motivated. A clean sewing space also means less distraction and time wasted shoving unnecessary things to the side when all you want to do is sit down and start sewing!

At the end of each sewing session, take a few minutes to tidy up your workspace. Put away tools, fold fabrics, and clear your sewing machine area.

In addition to those quick tidying up sessions, get in the habit of a regular cleaning routine for your entire sewing space. Dust surfaces, vacuum floors, and wipe down your sewing machine and other equipment regularly to keep them in top condition. Consider also giving your sewing machine some regular TLC (see below 👇) to always have it ready and waiting to create with you.

More super sewing tips to help you stay organised and ready

💡 There are gazillions of sewing tools and gadgets you could own, but do you actually need to? To help you sort through the clutter, have a read of the essential sewing tools you must have.

💡 Keep your sewing machine humming along by regularly giving your machine a simple service at home.

💡 After decluttering, make use of those fabric leftovers with these fun, scrap fabric sewing projects.

Just remember, an organised sewing space is the foundation of endless creativity and productivity. Implementing these simple yet effective tips can transform your sewing experience, making it more enjoyable, efficient and stress-free (OK, that’s not a promise, but it will be less stressful 😅).

An uncluttered space not only streamlines your projects from unravelling fabric to “I made it myself!”, but also sparks joy every step of the way. So, take the time to create your own personal haven that reflects your passion for sewing!

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