School summer holidays are starting. The kids are buzzed about summer break. The last months have been pretty intense. It’s time to get away and see something other than those same 4 walls. What are you going to do?
If you’re likely to be staying around home for the next few weeks (thank you, COVID-19), take a look at this seriously cool list of summer boredom busters, put together by real live, actual kids 😊.
Or perhaps you’re looking to cram the car full and hit the road on a road trip with the fam? Have a read of this road trip planner and make sure you’ve not forgotten a single thing to keep the kids happy and occupied in the back seats!
But what about if you’re thinking of even bigger plans for travelling with the kids this year?
I can help you out with planning for that too! And no, I am not talking about getting on a cruise ship…

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Yes, you guessed it! I am talking about air travel.
These last months travelling anywhere by plane, even within your own country, has been practically a no-go. But as you start considering your family’s travel options, it’s worth starting to mentally prepare, even if you’re not next actually ready to dig out those suitcases!

Many people are terrified of flying with children, especially babies and toddlers. In movies, children on planes are always shown as being seat-kicking, passenger-terrorising, complete jerks. But that is just entertainment, not real life 😉. Honestly, there really is no need to worry!
You know your own child, you know how to comfort them, distract them, and what simple activities they enjoy. And that’s what you need to think about packing for them. Airline staff generally try to be extra helpful to passengers with kids, but don’t leave home expecting them to provide everything for your child’s welfare and entertainment in the air! That’s on you 😉.
My children and I are flying back to Australia during these summer holidays for a family visit. It’s certainly not going to be a dream holiday by any measure, but we need to do it anyway. It’s a loooong haul flight, destined to be very different than anything we have experienced pre-Corona. (Think, face masks for endless hours.)

But we have flown between Germany and Australia a number of times with the kids (it’s a must when you are living an expat’s life) and I know you’ll find some of these packing and planning tips invaluable!
So what are the three Ps of flying with kids?!? Prepare. Pack. Patience.
#1: Preparing for Plane Travel with Children
First up you are going to want tickets! Where do you want to travel to? How many of you are going? Check the prices for each of your children. Many airlines don’t charge for flight tickets for children under 2 (though you usually still have to pay some taxes). Many also start charging full fare prices for children 12 and up. Investigate all these details; the prices may by what sways you as you are deciding when to fit in your travel! 😉
Passports and Visas
Are you leaving the country? If so, each passenger will need a passport! (Yes, even the children!) Depending on where you are travelling to, you may also need a visa to be allowed to enter that country. Sometimes a visa can be processed online in minutes, sometimes simply upon arrival at the destination airport, other times through masses of paperwork and an embassy. Inform yourself as soon as you can what is required. You don’t want to plan a family holiday and have it ruined by incomplete travel documents, do you?!?

Are you travelling with a small infant? Many airlines have a very limited number of fold-out bassinets where you can lay your baby down to sleep. Or just for when your tired arms need a rest from holding the baby 😉. Speak with your airline as soon as your book your tickets and ask if you can reserve one!
Other Needs for Infants
I have heard of some airlines allowing people to bring their baby capsules on board planes, but I have never personally travelled on an airline that allows that. Be sure to ask first, not presume! (A quick heads up: You might also want to check whether you can even use that baby capsule for transport at your destination. For example, I know in Australia NO baby capsules or children’s car seats brought from overseas are allowed to be used in any vehicle. Don’t waste your time bringing it if you can’t use it.)
Planning on bringing a stroller with you? Check with your airline whether you can bring it on board with you or whether you need to check it in. (Tip: Many airlines also offer strollers for use within the airport to get you up to the boarding gate if you have had to check in your own already.)

Meals for Children
Obviously if you have a short flight, you may not be served any meals onboard at all. But if you are flying for more than a few hours (say, from Europe to Australia 😉) you and your family will be served a number of meals. Most airlines offer the option of requesting special meals for kids and also for infants. As always, it’s best to prepare ahead of time; you’ll need to speak with the airline and make your requests before the day of your flight.
#2: Packing for Plane Travel with Children
Here I’m specifically talking about the hand luggage you take inside the cabin with you!
What does your child like to do to keep busy? Reading? Colouring? Sticker books? Playing games on their mobile phone? Listening to music? Skateboarding?
Whatever it is they usually enjoy doing, pack some for the plane! Well, not the skateboard 😉. Be sure to bring along a couple of books (I’ve got some great reading suggestions HERE and HERE) or magazines (either for you to read aloud or for your child to read themselves), an activity book and a handful of pencils, perhaps an MP3 player and headphones… Chances are there will also be something to watch or listen to on your plane, but why take a chance on it not being right for your kids? Better to pack your own to be sure!
Many airlines also provide a complimentary activity pack for kids on board. Over the years my children have been given pencils, colouring books, sticker books, stuffed toys, blankets, backpacks… If you aren’t automatically offered a kids’ pack shortly after boarding, don’t be shy!, ask if they have something available.

Flying on a plane can be thrilling and a little scary, all at the same time. And not only for children 😉. Be sure to pack a stuffed animal for snuggling or a favourite cuddle blanket in their hand luggage. Having something familiar and comforting at hand can help soothe a nervous or upset child.
Like I said above, depending on how long your flight is, you might be served some food on board during your flight (which your child may or may not eat; trust me, I know!!). But having a few handy little snacks for your kiddos will also keep them happy in between. Mints, muesli bars, crackers, lollies, dried fruit are just some examples. Whatever is simple, not too messy (important!!) and easy to slip into hand luggage is great. Your child will probably enjoy rationing out their own snack supplies too!

For Emergencies
Obviously you’ll need to bring any medication that may be required during the flight. Perhaps even some pain relief (eg. paracetamol) or fever medication (eg. ibuprofen). But also think about tissues, nappies (that would be diapers for my North American friends 😉), wet wipes etc too.
A set of spare clothes (even just a shirt and some underwear) can also be invaluable when flying. If your child spills their drink all over themselves. Or your toddler didn’t quite make it to the toilet on time. Or worse still, your bags don’t arrive at your destination when you do (rare, but it happens!) you’ll be oh-so-grateful for squeezing them in.
#3: Patience for Plane Travel with Children
I’m not gonna lie. Like many things with children, despite all your very best plans and intentions, sometimes things just don’t work out the way you hoped. Air travel is no exception. If you get frazzled because your child doesn’t like colour of their plane food or that air hostess still hasn’t returned with the extra pillow for you requested or… Take a deep breath!
Getting stressed will help no-one and that plane is going to get you and your family to that destination, regardless of how stressed out you are feeling! Stay calm, practice patience and know that it will all be OK.

Travelling on planes with kids CAN be tiring and challenging. But it can also be FUN. The best way to ensure your travels go as smoothly as possible is to prepare as best you can beforehand. Planning, preparation and patience all go a long way towards having a streamlined journey and a happy family ready to enjoy that destination 😊.
Have you got a dream destination in mind for your next family holiday? Share with us below in the comments section!

Great tips! My son flew for the first time at 9 months. We bought him a seat so he’d have his car seat, and he slept nearly the entire flight both ways.
Wow, sounds like a dream flight!
These are some great tips! I love how you sorted them into three P’s. Sounds like you’ve got quite a bit of experience traveling with children.
Thank you very much! And yes indeedy I do! 😉
We will be traveling after our lockdown is lifted Ibe keeping this in mind great tips
I hope you get to fly soon!
Great tips and advice! Traveling with children definitely adds some extra excitement to flying.
Thanks. Yes… “extra excitement” LOL! (It ain’t all bad 😉 )
I am also an expat living in London. My baby was 10 months when flew together for the first time and to keep him entertained I bought a new toy and activity book with stories, colouring pages and stickers. Being something new he was eager to interact with it. I love your article, it offers a very comprehensive list of everything that needs to be taken into consideration before flying.
Thanks for your comment! Yes, bringing not only entertainment, but NEW ones is also what my kids love 🙂
Thanks for your valuable tips. I have a nephew, he always makes our journey full of struggles. Try to follow your guidance.
Thank you for sharing, I love to travel ! I don’t have children yet but can’t wait to experience the craziness of traveling with children haha
Thanks! I hope you can share your love of travel with your kids in the future!
Thank you for the amazing tips. I have so many children in my household so it feels like “Home Alone” every time I travel, but I will definitely refer back to this article when it is safe to travel again!
LOL thanks for making me laugh! I hope you can get travelling again soon 🙂
Thank you for sharing, I love to travel ! I don’t have children yet but can’t wait! Great advice 😊
Thank you!
Travelling and that also with kids has become a greater challenge than before, very informative blog , Thanks for sharing 😊
Yes, it is definitely more involved these days. But still doable!