The Sweetest Season of All- Strawberry Season

Hooray! This week’s Everything’s Famtastic post is brought to you from a germ-free household! This is very exciting news, let me tell you. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you ought to go back and read my post from last week talking about how our family was knocked over one after the other like a set of bowling pins with a stomach virus. But healthy we are and here I am!

We are still finding and ridding our garden of strips of glittery streamers and pieces of confetti leftover from the confetti bomb my daughter and her friends gleefully enjoyed at her party last Saturday (see also, last week’s post here).

It’s wonderful that we are all healthy, because that means we can get doing things outdoors. Like soaking up the Vitamin D-filled sunshine… Like having spontaneous waterbomb fights over the hedge with the neighbours… Like taking advantage of the season and picking strawberries!!!

I might still have some adjustment issues with being an Australian expat living in Germany. Sure, a few months back I even posted about some of my personal difficulties of living an expat life here. But I’ll tell you what, I have totally found my groove when it comes to Erbeerzeit in this country.

You seriously have NO IDEA how much I love strawberries.

Continue reading “The Sweetest Season of All- Strawberry Season”

Back in the Game: To Australia and Back Again

Wowsers! It really has been a long time since I was here. I have been missing in action for a few weeks. Waay too long! But how nice is it to be back in the game, posting again?!? I really have missed it.

So why was I MIA for nearly a month? (Man, a month…). Do you remember just the other week many of us across the planet celebrated that little holiday called Christmas? Already seems like an eon ago, right?

Well, as you may know already, I am an expat. Specifically, I am an Australian living in Germany with my German Hubby and our 3 kids. And what do many expats scattered around the world do at special times of the year? Travel back home! I’ll give you a gold star if you can guess where we spent this past Christmas…

emu, wildlife, bird, Australia, Australian wildlife,  expat life, travel
Say “G’day!” to the locals in Australia
Continue reading “Back in the Game: To Australia and Back Again”