Summertime Survival: 15 Hilarious Memes Every Parent Can Relate To

Ah, summer break—that glorious time of year filled with endless possibilities, when school is out, and the kids are home for a couple of months. As mums, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of this sunny season, envisioning lazy days, trips to the beach, family vacations, and plenty of quality time with our little ones.

But let’s be real for a moment: parenting during summer break isn’t always the picture-perfect experience we dream of it being.

While summer brings plenty of fun and unforgettable moments, it also presents unique *ahem* challenges for parents. From managing the kids’ boundless energy (and appetites!) to finding ways to keep them entertained and ensuring they stay safe in the water and under the burning sun, summer parenting requires a whole new level of creativity and resourcefulness.

And patience. Lots and lots of patience. 😅

We all know that laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to stay sane in the chaos of summer parenting than through laugh-out-loud memes?

Whether you’re a seasoned parent or a newbie navigating your first summer break with the kids you’ll surely get a kick out of these 15 hilarious, summertime parenting memes.

If you’re also after some practical tips for getting ready for travel with the kids or simply some fun, easy ways to keep them entertained this summer, I’ve got you covered too!

Let the laughter (and packing!) begin!

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Hilarious Mom Memes You NEED to Share with Your Friends!

Not every day feels like Mother’s Day.

Motherhood can be fun. And it can be tough. Motherhood can be filled with surprises. But it can also be overwhelming. Motherhood can be rewarding. Motherhood can be a million different things. All in one day sometimes!

But what we Mums all need and appreciate is LAUGHTER. And often. You know the saying, “if you don’t laugh you’ll cry”, don’t you?

There are days when being able to laugh out loud is the only thing that gets us through to bedtime, right?!?

Which is why I have put together a bunch of totally relatable, hilarious, laugh-out-loud memes for Mamas.

Read, smirk, laugh, nod knowingly, smile, share with your Mom friends, whatever!

I just want you to enjoy having your funny bone tickled 🤣.

Keep scrolling and enjoy giggling at the good, bad and ugly reality of being a Mom!

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37 Simple Ways for Busy Moms to Practice Self Care

Valentine’s Day. All over social media there’s love in the air and chatter about what nice things we can should do (and buy!) for the people that we love. But behind all the lovey-dovey talk, there’s a very important person we keep forgetting about.


The mothers of the world work so hard to care for their families 24/7 yet all too often forget to plan in anything nice for themselves. Even just to take a breather.

Quite a while back I touched on why moms should take a time out. It’s definitely time for a recap and to fill you in a little more about practicing self care.

But wait! Isn’t self care really just being selfish?!?

In case you’re a little unsure, keep reading to find out about what self care means, why it is so important- yes, YOU TOO should be practicing self care- and a list of simple, yet beneficial, ways you too can take a time out to care for yourself.

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The Half-Year Growth Check-Up

Hey everybody! There is an electricity in the air around here. Can you feel it too? No, we don’t live underneath one of those really tall, high-voltage transmission towers 😉. I’m talking about the summer school holidays countdown! Have the school hols already kicked off where you are? We have 5 school days left and counting…

Did you see the long list full of FAMtastic ideas for the summer holidays I posted last week? Have you tried any of them yet? Or have you made your own “To Do List” for holiday fun?

I need to sit down with our 3 kiddos and make up our own personalised “bucket list” for these school holidays. Because I can tell you now, as much as I am looking forward to having lots of fun times with the kids, we will NOT be ticking off ALL of the 61 suggestions from last week’s list! We have however, already started experimenting with making ice cream 😉 based on a Donna Hay recipe. Oh my, how my children are currently infatuated with our @donna.hay cookbook…

Coconut, raspberry, choc chip ice cream. Delish!

I don’t know whether you remember, but at the start of the year I wrote about setting goals for GROWTH for myself for this year. Not drunken New Year’s resolutions, but real goals that I plan to achieve by year’s end. And given that the year is already half done with, I thought it was about time I gave myself a review. If you set yourself some goals for this year too, I hope that you are straight up rocking them! Me? Hmm…

Continue reading “The Half-Year Growth Check-Up”

The Karneval is Over

Welcome back to Everything’s Famtastic! How has your first week of March been? I have to say that here the weather has been disappointingly lousy. Far too much wind and unpredictable rain. Lucky today won’t be like that. Today is all but guaranteed to rain allll day long. See? No uncertainty. Silver lining! LOL.

In my last post I talked about getting ready for the annual Karneval parade. Did you also have the chance to celebrate Karneval? Which city were you in? Was it your first time? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments section below!

This is How We Celebrated Karneval

Our lovely little family of 5 did go to town to see the parade. There had been murmurs of whether the parade would even take place this year as the weather outlook (rain, storm-force winds) was not looking promising. It did, of course, go ahead as planned.

This week hasn’t only been parties and fun. I have had a few frustrating situations bubble up. (For example, bung knee, anyone?) Setbacks, I guess you would call them. I need to figure out how best to deal with these so I can keep moving forward towards those goals I set for myself this year. It’s all in the mindset, right?

Anyway, yes, we went to the Karneval parade and had a great time.

Continue reading “The Karneval is Over”

Inspiration for Moms: Choosing a Word for the Year

Welcome back to Everything’s Famtastic! As I mentioned in my last post here, we are already in the month of February and I can hardly believe how quickly time flies! One minute I am sunning myself in Australia and the next minute I am back in Germany being the Master (Well I guess, technically the Mistress. But that word might bring on images of another sort 😉 so I might just stick with the word Master) of the more-chaotic-than-I-would-like-it-to-be household of 5.

So again I ask, how is your year looking so far? Got any special dreams for the year? Have you made any plans or goals for yourself?

Last January I started off the year imaging one word for myself: Nourish. I think most of my friends and family imagined that meant, that I intended to eat lots of tasty, gourmet foods. Sure, that may well have been part of the story. But not actually the point. I had imagined I would spend 2018 focussing on nourishing my body and my mind. I wanted to continue learning to speak Dutch. I wanted to feed my body healthy, nourishing foods. I wanted to read lots of interesting books. I wanted to improve my sewing skills. I wanted to meditate regularly. I wanted to feel well and strong and happy.

Was Last Year a Super Success?

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Organ Donation: The Gift that Keeps on Giving (My Story)

Ever wondered what it’s like being a person who has received a donor organ (or tissue)? I believe that there is no greater gift than an organ given to someone in need. And since we are currently in December, the season of Christmas and giving, I thought it was an appropriate topic to discuss!

I know that the topic of organ donation can be a thorny issue. There are many people out there with strong opinions, both for and against, about becoming an organ or tissue donor. I want to share my own story as a recipient.

Let’s just think of it as a lead up to **Jenny’s Public Service Announcement**, shall we? 

pin, Pinterest, organ donation, tranplant, health, transplant recipient, DMEK

Recently I had a check-up at appointment with my doctor at the eye clinic where I had a cornea transplant in May. Happily I can report that my eye looks great, all parts are exactly where they should be and my vision remains hugely improved. THANK GOODNESS. *Happy dance*

“Steady on!” I hear you say. You had a transplant? Of the cornea? At your sweet and tender age as a 40-something year old woman? Isn’t that just for old people? Yes, yes indeedy, I did. And no, apparently not. As evidenced by my eyeball. Yes, cornea problems are usually reserved for those in their 50s, 60s and beyond. But not for this chickadee here.

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Mum’s the Taxi: 5 Tips to Stress Less & Leave the House on Time

Do you ever have those days when you feel like you have spent the whole time in the car driving here and there and everywhere? Sounds like a great title for a Dr Seuss book: “I’ll drive you here, I’ll drive you there, I’ll drive you everywhere!” Right?!? But not a great way to enjoy the afternoon.

parenting, getting organised, planning, pin, PInterest

Wednesdays are a PITA. My nemesis, if you will. You see, Wednesdays are the day when all 3 of my children need to be picked up and/or dropped off at least one place each, all with the most inconvenient spacing between appointments. It is not the only day of the week that we have plans, but it is the most heavily-booked.

Grab a cup of your favourite hot beverage (or alcoholic if you choose, LOL), get comfy and strap yourself in for the fun rollercoaster-ride of my afternoon (and some tips on how to organise days like this!)…

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