31 Horrid Halloween Jokes for the Whole Family

Here on Everything’s Famtastic I’m always sharing my love of sewing and fun creative projects.. Like the last post with loads of ideas for easy Halloween home décor to make.

But, I ALSO love to have some laughs. What’s life without a bit of laughter, right?!?

That’s why, in honour of Halloween this October, I put together this list of 31 side-splittingly funny Halloween jokes for you.

You’ll find vampire jokes, ghost jokes, monster jokes and plenty of surprises too.

And yes, they are also suitable for the kids to cackle along with you. 😂

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22 Budget-Friendly Sensational Summer Ideas for Creative Kids & Moms

It’s summertime again!

You know what that means for the kids?

No school. No early mornings. Sunshine. Heat. Meeting with friends. Hanging out at the park. Reading. Riding bikes. Long lazy days to relax.

But what happens when those long lazy days turn into long boredom-filled days?

Some boredom for kids isn’t a bad thing. It can actually fuel their imagination when they have to figure out something new to do on their own.

But too much boredom can drive both them- and you- a bit bonkers.

And that is the PERFECT time to break out the creative fun ideas for the kids to try or that you and your kids can even enjoy together!

Check out the complete list below of 22 boredom busters for the summer holidays!

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Awesome Book Series for Girls aged 9 to 12: What to read now?

In honour of World Book Day, I thought it was about time to let my younger daughter publish another list of her must-read book series for girls. A couple of years back, she put together a list of recommended reads for girls aged 6 to 9 but now that she is almost 11, it’s time for my little bookworm to update her reading recommendations for older girls like herself.

I’ve talked about this before, but my 3 children are ADDICTED to reading.

Like, when we go to the library, they borrow so many books they each take a sports bag with them to lug the latest literature home with them. And then the bags are so heavy the kids actually can’t carry them by themselves anyway.

Or like when we are in a Doctor’s waiting room and there is nothing to do but pick up scrappy old comic magazines or books for toddlers, my kids will read those too.

My kids love reading so much that my eldest daughter a while back also wrote a list of her own recommended book series for tween girls and my 8-year-old son also put together a list of his top book series picks for boys aged 6 to 9 .

To discover what some must-read books for girls aged 9 to 12 are, you’ll need to READ on…

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How to Make Last Minute Easy Cinnamon Christmas Candle Decor

Mmmm, why is it that so many of us associate Christmas with food smells?

I mean, there IS also the spending-time-with-loved-ones thing. And the gift-giving. And the decorating-the-house thing.

But so often it comes back to the Christmas-y smells and the food.

Now, I do not have a recipe for you. Although I CAN share a quick and easy way you can add a Christmas scent to the air.

In my last post I shared a stack of simple, fun Christmas crafts and DIY activities for kids. But there’s one I left out. And I’m telling you, it’s the easiest of them all!

I’m talking about making your own last minute Christmas décor using candles with an added secret Christmas smell! You can make one in a matter of minutes. Or, just imagine it, you could let your kids make the candles, which leaves YOU free to finish off the goodies in the kitchen!

Are you ready? Yes? Then you need to check out this quick tutorial: how-to make your own cinnamon Christmas candles. (I PROMISE you there will be no dealing with melted wax making these.) Read on!

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Make, Bake & Sew: 15 Fun & Easy Christmas Projects for Kids

Christmas is coming reeeeeeal soon and the Christmas spirit is in the air!

Well, at least it is in our house. And when I say “Christmas spirit” I mean, studying toy catalogues for ideas and excitedly writing out Christmas wish lists with dozens and dozens of ideas.

The kids are just SO EXCITED about Christmas being so near. Aside from hoping for a stack of Lego sets and a mountain of new books, there is also building excitement about buying the Christmas tree and how to decorate the house and what foods we can start making now and which ones we will be enjoying at Christmas time.

And all of this means it’s time to start digging out the colourful craft supplies and shopping for the groceries to bake delicious-looking Christmas recipes.

But Christmas can also be a stressful time, keeping up with the kids and ALL.THE.THINGS. that need to be organised.

Are YOU ready for getting creative with your kids? Or maybe not… Perhaps you’re not quite there yet and actually looking for some new inspiration. Or perhaps you don’t see yourself as creative and are actually dreading feeling obligated to “do Christmas stuff” with your kids.

Well, I can definitely help you with that right now!

This post contains loads of kid-friendly (and budget-friendly) Christmas activities to sew, bake and make this festive season, with an emphasis on less stress and more fun and happy faces. Sound good?

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Sensational Book Series for Boys Aged 6 to 9 Years

This week’s post is going to be all about books. The fun kind. For boys. It’s a change of pace from the last few posts I have written here. And afterall, the season of gift-giving is coming. Maybe you’ll find some inspiring gift ideas. 😉

By the way, I have some great gift ideas for bookworms which might help you out, if your kids are anything like mine and your book collection has grown to epic proportions!

But for now, let’s get back to the world of books.

Both of my daughters LOVE books and were so determined to share their addiction love of reading with others, that they begged me to let them write a list of book series they highly recommend. You can read those lists here: book series for girls 6 to 9 and book series for girls 9 to 12.

But God forbid my son be left out of the action. He too wanted to share his love of reading with other kids (Hello, Bookworm #3 of the family!) and voila! Here we are.

If you are ready to dive into the world of unbeatable book series for boys, then you’ll want to keep reading!

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33 Mega Funny Jokes for Kids That Will Make Them Laugh Out Loud

Who DOESN’T love to have a good laugh? NO-ONE, right?!?

After this past year we’ve experienced, it’s as good a time as any to put on your silly hat, sit down with the kids and share a belly-aching, laugh-out-loud session together.

Sharing jokes with your kids is a great way to spend time fun together as a family. It also gives children a chance to improve their reading and story-telling skills, encourage word-play and of course , cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down.

I’ve put together 33 thoroughly hilarious jokes guaranteed to make your kids crack up and give you a giggle too.

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Cheap & Easy Awesome Activities to Stop Kids Saying They’re Bored

I’ve been hearing from a lot of fellow mums lately, about how hard it is to keep their kids busy and entertained these days. I hear you. (I am one of them trust me! 😉)

For a million reasons not limited to: the kids being at home more, household budgets getting tighter, chaotic work schedules, fewer activities outside of the home being an option, even lousy weather, parents just like you are struggling to come up with new ideas to keep their kids occupied and happy.

Last year I published a great post with tons of fun ideas (Psst! That are not TV!) to keep your children occupied when school’s closed .

In the list you’ll find a range of things for kids to do when they’re bored. There are indoor activities and outdoor activities, sporty activities and quiet ones, as well as social and independent activities for kids of all ages.

No matter whether you have toddlers, tweens or teens in the house not only will the ideas on that list stop your children from saying “Mum I’m bored!”, they are all budget-friendly! Fun and cheap ideas for kids?!? Yes please!!

Because I keep hearing people ask for help on how to keep the kids entertained when they’re stuck at home, I thought it was time for a fresh update of my kid- (and mum-) friendly ideas. But this time I am not the only one here with the suggestions.

I have called on a group of fantastic fellow mums to share their top tips for clever ideas to keep kids busy. I’m really excited to have them all on board, because as we mamas all know, what works for one family isn’t guaranteed to work for the next.

Have fun reading the dozens of ideas in this post and pick and choose as you please, the best boredom-busting activities for your kids.

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The 3 Ps of Plane Travel with Children: Useful Tips for Flying with Kids

School summer holidays are starting. The kids are buzzed about summer break. The last months have been pretty intense. It’s time to get away and see something other than those same 4 walls. What are you going to do?

If you’re likely to be staying around home for the next few weeks (thank you, COVID-19), take a look at this seriously cool list of summer boredom busters, put together by real live, actual kids 😊.

Or perhaps you’re looking to cram the car full and hit the road on a road trip with the fam? Have a read of this road trip planner and make sure you’ve not forgotten a single thing to keep the kids happy and occupied in the back seats!

But what about if you’re thinking of even bigger plans for travelling with the kids this year?

I can help you out with planning for that too! And no, I am not talking about getting on a cruise ship…

plane travel, travel, holiday, tips, travel tips, family and parenting, travelling with children, pin, Pinterest
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How to Sew Easy-Breezy Bean Bags

If you thought last week’s headband sewing project was super simple, then have I got another treat for you today!

DIY, homemade, bean bags, sewing project, sewing for beginners, games for kids, nähen, nähprojekt, Pin, Pinterest

Many children are unexpectedly at home lately. Parents and teachers alike are doing their best to ensure our kids are being entertained, educated and well-cared for.

What do your kids enjoy doing in their spare time lately? Mine? Reading, reading and more reading. I had published 2 posts a while back with book recommendations for girls (co-written by my daughters 😉) which you can check out here and here if you need some new children’s book recommendations.

My children don’t need any more book recommendations for now, say I. Some days my kids just need pretty strong encouragement to get outside and moving in the fresh air. Which is why I was so happy when the high school sports teacher started sharing basic sports activities online and delivered a pair of bean bags to my eldest daughter to get her equipped.

Looking at those bean bags, I thought to myself “I can make them too!”. Voila! New sewing project undertaken and several other children made happy.

And now I am sharing with you this easy sewing project. No, not easy. Easier than easy. Beginners can make these. Experienced sewers can make these. Kids can make these.

Ready to get your fun on? Let’s get sewing! And sporty 😉!

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