Why Women Should Go Out with Their Girlfriends

Hi there! How has your week been? Did you try out those sewing instructions I shared last week? How did it go? Our week here has been a bit of a mixed bag. Master 5 has a nasty cold which has left him with a mild temperature, a few meltdowns and a helluva lot of snot. Our ambitions to tidy our household a’la KonMari have temporarily stalled. Hello! Lack of time! BUT we did make a trip to IKEA and stocked up on approximately 1000 storage tubs to assist us as we sort through the rumble that exists in a few corners of our house.

One thing that I have been getting excited about this coming week is an upcoming girls’ night. Huzzah! Catching up with friends is one thing that I DEFINITELY wish would happen more often. If only it could happy more often. Once again: Hello! Lack of time!

One of the lovely ladies I am actually meeting up with recently came across an article (in a German magazine) about why women should meet up with their friends more often. And since I, of course, agree 100%, I thought I would look into this some more and share some thoughts with you all today.

I mean, what could be better than being told that you SHOULD go out with friends more often?!?

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Inspiration for Moms: Choosing a Word for the Year

Welcome back to Everything’s Famtastic! As I mentioned in my last post here, we are already in the month of February and I can hardly believe how quickly time flies! One minute I am sunning myself in Australia and the next minute I am back in Germany being the Master (Well I guess, technically the Mistress. But that word might bring on images of another sort 😉 so I might just stick with the word Master) of the more-chaotic-than-I-would-like-it-to-be household of 5.

So again I ask, how is your year looking so far? Got any special dreams for the year? Have you made any plans or goals for yourself?

Last January I started off the year imaging one word for myself: Nourish. I think most of my friends and family imagined that meant, that I intended to eat lots of tasty, gourmet foods. Sure, that may well have been part of the story. But not actually the point. I had imagined I would spend 2018 focussing on nourishing my body and my mind. I wanted to continue learning to speak Dutch. I wanted to feed my body healthy, nourishing foods. I wanted to read lots of interesting books. I wanted to improve my sewing skills. I wanted to meditate regularly. I wanted to feel well and strong and happy.

Was Last Year a Super Success?

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Organ Donation: The Gift that Keeps on Giving (My Story)

Ever wondered what it’s like being a person who has received a donor organ (or tissue)? I believe that there is no greater gift than an organ given to someone in need. And since we are currently in December, the season of Christmas and giving, I thought it was an appropriate topic to discuss!

I know that the topic of organ donation can be a thorny issue. There are many people out there with strong opinions, both for and against, about becoming an organ or tissue donor. I want to share my own story as a recipient.

Let’s just think of it as a lead up to **Jenny’s Public Service Announcement**, shall we? 

pin, Pinterest, organ donation, tranplant, health, transplant recipient, DMEK

Recently I had a check-up at appointment with my doctor at the eye clinic where I had a cornea transplant in May. Happily I can report that my eye looks great, all parts are exactly where they should be and my vision remains hugely improved. THANK GOODNESS. *Happy dance*

“Steady on!” I hear you say. You had a transplant? Of the cornea? At your sweet and tender age as a 40-something year old woman? Isn’t that just for old people? Yes, yes indeedy, I did. And no, apparently not. As evidenced by my eyeball. Yes, cornea problems are usually reserved for those in their 50s, 60s and beyond. But not for this chickadee here.

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Get Up & Move Mama! Why Moms Should Take Time Out for Exercise

Do you take time out for yourself to exercise and look after your health? A few days back, I went for a very brisk walk. At 8am. On a Saturday. Which lasted more than 5 kilometres. A walk that took me through quiet nearby neighbourhoods and even quieter recently-harvested fields. All now covered in a slight layer of frost. See, it was only 1 degree Celsius when I left the house. Brrr! Cold, right?!?

But I went out for that walk anyway. Why? Because I needed it. Not because I had to. But because I wanted to, NEEDED to.

pin, Pinterest, exercise, sport, motivation, women, health

Not in a “If I don’t go exercise sometime I will never lose that weight” type of need. Although weight loss would surely be a welcome and additional benefit. And, at least for today, it wasn’t a “I need time out for myself” type of need, because I have the house to myself for half the day today anyway (yay me!). No, it was a “My body really wants me to move” kind of need.

Now, some of you are probably thinking “Well, duh. Of course you should get your body moving”. And some others of you might be thinking “What the heck is this woman even talking about? Exercise? Bah humbug!”.

Continue reading “Get Up & Move Mama! Why Moms Should Take Time Out for Exercise”