***This post was updated on 10.06.2020***
There’s no avoiding it these days. Coronavirus.
It’s in the news. It’s all over social media. It’s all anybody seems to be talking about. Perhaps you have been home-schooling the kids and juggling to work from home yourself. And when you do go outside, there are a couple of things that grab your attention.
One: the social distancing thing. You notice that people are trying their best to give every other person around them extra space. That shopping queue looks so verrrry long, but actually it’s just the space between each human.
Two: the face covering thing. Here and there and in ever increasing numbers, you see people wearing face masks. Some wear a simple scarf or bandanna, wrapped around their face and nose. Some wear what looks like professional, fancy blue, medical one. While others cover their face with a mask that would almost make Darth Vader jealous.
Whatever it is that you have noticed around you and in the media, it’s new, it’s strange, and perhaps even a little disconcerting.
For the first few weeks of Coronavirus spreading here in Germany, I held off from sewing a face mask. Would I need it? Would I have to wear it? Would it even help?
But I noticed more and more popping up on people’s faces everywhere I went. And the World Health Organisation altered their original recommendations about wearing face masks. And then there was talk in the media of making face masks compulsory as people gradually return to “real life” after lockdown.
***Updated*** From 27th April, 2020 face masks DID become compulsory on public transport across Germany. As businesses have begun opening up again, in many states it is also compulsory in shops, restaurants, hairdressers, health providers, post offices etc.
Decision? Time to make myself and my family face masks!!!

I have had SO many people ask me how I made them, I can’t NOT share this sewing project with you. I will walk you though step by step with plenty of easy-to-follow photos so you can sew a fantastic, fabric, face mask yourself.
You’ll also learn some simple tips and tricks to help get you through sewing a face mask (or 2… or 5… or 10…).
Continue reading “Simple Sewing Tutorial: How to Make a Fabric Face Mask”