It’s never been a secret here that all 3 of my kids LOVE reading. And as they get older, so does their taste in books. Given that we now have a teen and 2 tweens in the house, Young Adult fiction novels make up the largest part of the pile of books that get lugged home after a family visit to the library.
When I say that my kids love reading, what I mean is, if they aren’t eating a family meal or physically out of the house, they are at home perched somewhere comfortable with a pillow and a book.
And if there has ever been an excuse for kids to celebrate a love of reading, then World Book Day on April 23rd is a pretty darn good one!
Over the past couple of years, each of my 3 children have put together their own personally recommended lists of book series for different ages of fellow bookworms here on my blog. (You can find the links to them all at the bottom of this blog post 👇).
But in this blog post, my Miss 14 wanted to share her picks for YA fiction. With a mix of fantasy and relationships, mystery and manga, your teen will be sure to discover a new book here to get lost in!