Clever & creative ideas to easily reuse your old towels

As a busy mother of 3 kids, there are times when I look around our family home and am shocked by the amount of stuff we have. Piles and piles of books, clothes splayed out on the kids’ bedroom floors, overflowing, disorganised cupboards… urgh.

That’s when I get all ranty and demand we start clearing out and organising some of our possessions.

But when I say “clearing out” I don’t mean throwing out. To our family, it means finding new life or new homes for our unwanted things.

As someone who loves sewing, I tend to squirrel away bits and pieces of unwanted textiles during our “clearing out” phases that I can upcycle sometime, somehow. (That’s one of the advantages of being able to sew, right?)

So, while “clearing out” recently I discovered that my collection of rescued old ratty towels was larger than I remembered it being 🙈. I decided I needed to find myself some DIY projects to make a couple of useful things out of them.

Which lead to me scouring the internet for ideas for myself. And then of course I had to share some of my favourite finds with you here!

And since I am all about simple sewing projects that are low-stress and no fuss, I’m know you’ll find something perfect for you and your old towels, no matter how advanced (or not) your sewing skills are!

Take a look for yourself and give your old towels a new lease on life with these fun upcycling sewing projects!

Continue reading “Clever & creative ideas to easily reuse your old towels”

How to Make Easy Money Selling Your Old Stuff

Another Sunday, another post here in Everything’s Famtastic. I know last week’s post was pretty heavy going. What, with talking about cornea transplants and pirate eye patches and such. By the way, my eyeball had the doctors raving with excitement at my check-up last week 😉.

This week I thought I ought to write something different! Something positive, motivating and hopefully really helpful. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t like to feel encouraged and nudged along sometimes?

Of course, at times a swift kick up the butt is needed to get things done! But today I was aiming more for the inform-and-inspire method of helping you to get the most out of a great opportunity to make some quick money. No, this is not one of those get-rich-in-a-scandalous-way-pyramid-type schemes.

I’m talking about selling your old stuff that you don’t need or want anymore!

declutter, easy money, sell your old stuff, spring clean, flea market
Now what to do with all this?!?

I spoke to a bunch of family and friends who have sold household items, clothes, books and more; between them they have sold at dozens of garage sales, flea markets and also online. And now I share with you, dear reader, their best advice on how to prepare well and how to make your sale successful!

Continue reading “How to Make Easy Money Selling Your Old Stuff”

7 Brilliant Benefits of Decluttering Your Home

Yo what up peeps? Er… nah. Just kidding. Totally doesn’t work for me.

*starts typing again*

Hey! How are you going? What’s been happening for you this past week? Me? I have been getting excited about tidying. Yes folks, you read it here first! I did indeed say that I was getting excited. About tidying. More specifically, decluttering.

If you are anything like me, when you look around a disorderly, cluttered room, it weighs down on you. It all just feels so… much. I literally feel my shoulders sag. My mood sinks. I sigh. My stress and frustration levels rise as I think of how I wish the room would be. Less stuff. Tidier. Cleaner. How I wish everyone in the house was as bothered by the clutter as I am and inspired enough to do something about it. But alas…

So I have told myself, enough is enough. This family of 5 is getting it’s house into shape. And everyone is going to have to play their part if we are all to enjoy a more relaxed household and a more chilled Mama 😉.

Therefore, let the organising begin! Come join in the fun of Jenny decluttering and read about this in-home adventure!

Continue reading “7 Brilliant Benefits of Decluttering Your Home”