How to Make the Prettiest Paper Christmas Star Decoration

Oh my! Christmas is coming! And fast! Do you remember back when you were a kid and asking “How many more days til Christmas?” and your parents answered with something like “Still 6 weeks, kiddo!” and you thought it would just Never. Ever. Arrive.?

These days, as a big ol’ grown-up, 6 weeks goes by SO quickly, and Christmas is over before you know it and suddenly your kids are asking you “How many more days til Easter?!?”.

pin, pinterest, christmas, crafts, christmas crafts, diy, paper crafts

This year I am feeling a bit slack with the Christmas preparations, especially on the creative and decorative side of things. But I am determined not to have Christmas arrive without me having made some effort.

As fate would have it, just the other day my son came home from kindergarten and presented his latest masterpiece- a beautiful, intricately folded paper Christmas star. If I was only going to manage one new craft project with the kids this Christmas, I knew that this would be it.

Christmas Star, DIY, Crafts, Paper Crafts

And once I had decoded the pattern, I just knew that I would have to share the secret of the Christmas star with you! (Spoiler Alert! It’s not as difficult to make as it looks!) Read on to learn how you can make your own gorgeous paper star this Christmas.

Continue reading “How to Make the Prettiest Paper Christmas Star Decoration”

Easy DIY Fabric Ornaments to Sew this Christmas

Hear ye, hear ye! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Yep, it’s just a few short weeks away!

How are you going with your preparations? All ready to celebrate? Or are you like me and tend to wait until the start of December to start shopping/ baking/ sewing/ crafting/panicking?

It’s definitely time to stop panicking and start your Christmas decorating with these super cute and super simple fabric Christmas ornaments to sew!

sewing, sewing project, diy sewing, christmas crafts, christmas ornaments, christmas decorations, christmas sewing, how-to, tutorial, pin, Pinterest
Continue reading “Easy DIY Fabric Ornaments to Sew this Christmas”

How to Make Classic Calendars from Your Fantastic Photos

So, it’s already November, which means the clock is ticking towards December. Not ticking. Racing toward December. This of course means Christmas is coming, ready or not!

I am generally not prepared weeks in advance for the so-called silly season. But I AM determined to do things differently this year. That means getting organised with gifts. Or at least gift ideas

photos, digital photos, photo calendars, DIY project, photo ideas, photo tips, pin, Pinterest
Continue reading “How to Make Classic Calendars from Your Fantastic Photos”