Awesome Animal Costumes to Easily Make for Your Kids

There’s something awesome about watching your child transform into their favourite animal right in front of you. The precious look on their faces as they play and prance is unforgettable.

And of course, the pride you feel after finishing such an amazing, creative outfit also makes all the imagining and planning worth it.

Over the years I have made dozens and dozens of costumes as requested by my kids, from pirates to devils to Hermoine and the Incredible Hulk. And they have loved every single one of them!

Whether it’s a last-minute costume for a school play, a Halloween party, or just a rainy afternoon project, sewing costumes is not only a delightful endeavour but also a chance to bond with your child and create cherished memories.

So, grab your fabrics, scissors, needles and imagination, and read on to discover how you too can easily sew an roarsome awesome animal costume for your kids!

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Last Minute Halloween Cut Files to Use for Your Clothes & Home Decor

The closer Halloween slinks up on the calendar the more excited my kids get, starting with the discussion about which Halloween costumes to sew and how we should be getting the handmade decorations for our home ready.

Now, if you know anything about me, it’s that I LOVE LOVE LOVE sewing! Clothes, décor, gifts, you name it.

But I also love getting creative in other ways. Like pulling out my Brother Scan n Cut cutting machine to create designs I can cut out Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV) and *magically* create fun shirts for family and friends.

So, if you are looking for ways to let out your creative talents with your hobby cutting machine this Halloween without even touching a sewing machine, then you are in the right place now!

I have scoured the internet and discovered dozens and dozens of Halloween digital cut files that would be perfect for *spooking* up your clothes and home décor this October 31st.

Whether you are looking to make it a cute Halloween, scary Halloween or a funny Halloween, there are loads of designs to be found here!

Take a look now… *if you dare* 👻👻👻

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Sewing Tutorial: How to Make a Fabulous Dragon Costume

Today I’m sharing with you some really cool ideas and hacks to sew a dragon costume for your kids!

If you have looked around my Everything’s Famtastic blog you have surely seen that I do love a good sewing project. Especially the type where I have sewn something really cool by modifying an existing pattern which didn’t fit exactly what I needed.

I tell you, THAT is the beauty of being able to sew! Have an idea of what you want to create and being able to find a way to make it happen!

What you might also have noticed around this site is the variety of kids’ costumes I have sewn over the years for my own 3. In Germany here we celebrate Karneval early in the year and then there’s Halloween in October. Add in any dress-up wishes and that all ends up being a lot of costumes that I’ve had to deliver! Hulk, animals, spooky, funny costumes … I’ve covered quite a range!

So, do you want to see that super dragon costume and take a peek at some other kids’ costume ideas too? Read on…

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13 DIY Halloween Costumes to Make Right Now and WOW Your Kids

As Halloween ticks ever closer, many of us are on the hunt for the perfect Halloween costume for our little ones. Ok, and for ourselves too, perhaps. And aren’t there just a million gazillion to choose from?!?

If you are anything like me, time gets away and you are left scrambling for ideas, fabric, needles and the glue gun. And never mind that the children change their minds every 37 seconds. Or they come up with a vague idea of wanting to dress up as “lots of colours”. Umm…

To take some of the stress off, I have done a stack of research for you and found 13 fun-to-make, colourful and creative costumes that you can put together for your trick or treaters!

There is something here for everyone. Whether you have left it until 30th October to start, this is your 200th Halloween costume, or you can’t manage a sewing machine to save your life, there’s bound to be something in this list of 13 DIY Halloween costumes that takes your fancy! See for yourself…

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How to Sew a Terrific Tiger Costume

(Even if You Don’t Have a Pattern!)

In today’s post I am going to show you how you can create a totally cool tiger costume, without actually having a pattern for a tiger costume. “Huh? How does that work?”, you ask. Ahh, that’s the magic of sewing! 😉

Perhaps you’re even asking why it is that I am sewing a tiger costume or why I am sharing this with you today.

diy, sewing, sewing project, nähen, tiger costume, tiger kostüm, sewing for kids, childrens' costume, kinderkostüm, pin, pinterest

Well, answering the second part of that is easy. Why share? Because I am not one to keep a good sewing tip to myself! I love to support you in getting creative with your sewing machine and sewing things that will make you smile! And I love a good work-around; when the pattern doesn’t match exactly what I’m trying to achieve, then it’s the pattern that has to change, not my goal. That’s why I’m eager to share so many sewing ideas, tips and cheats with you (you can find more under the “Sewing” category on the menu bar above ☝).

And why am I sewing a costume at all? Well, Karneval is coming in a couple of weeks! In case you’re not familiar with what Karneval in Germany means (especially from a non-German’s perspective), be sure to check out my post here. Karneval is a BIG deal in many parts of Germany and for the cities’ colourful parades, getting dressed up in costumes is practically a must (at least for children it is!!).

Because I am able to sew, and for the time being my kids actually like and enjoy what I can create, I am the one responsible for coming up with the goods. Hence the DIY, sew a tiger costume as my current sewing project.

I promised to show you how to make one without a pattern, right? Well then, read on…

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More DIY Easy Halloween Costumes Anyone Can Sew

sewing, sewing project, diy sewing, diy, diy costume, halloween, halloween costumes, pirate, bat, ninja, ninjago

Hi there! Have you been psyching up for Halloween? Or rather, are your kids getting crazy for Halloween? Let’s be honest, in the end, rambling through the neighbourhood trick-or-treating is more for their benefit than ours. Right? Nevertheless, I will admit that I am also getting a little excited.

When I prowl the neighbourhood with my kids on the 31st October, it’s not as though I’m going to have a fistful of lollies thrust my way. (*Psst!!* There are however, a couple of neighbours who like to share a quick slurp of some fiery type of liquid that is definitely NOT for the little ones! Nudge nudge, wink wink)

What I do enjoy is watching the kids each year get bolder and more adventurous and confident, relishing the thrill of dressing up and dashing so free-spirited around the neighbourhood after dark. And we bump into so many of their friends also doing the rounds, so it’s practically like a street party. 😊

I know that last week I posted here a few home-sewn DIY Halloween costumes. But guess what I also enjoy?

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DIY Wicked Halloween Costumes You Can Easily Sew

I could have sworn we just enjoyed summer holidays and now all of a sudden Halloween is upon us. For most kids, Halloween means 2 things: costumes and lollies!

And when my kids think of costumes, what they really mean is “Mama’s GOTTA sew me one!!!”. 😉

halloween, halloween costumes, costume, diy costumes, sewing costumes, sewing, sewing project

Are your kids hankering for a really cool costume? That you are apparently going to make?!? If you are a #sewingnewbie perhaps you are feeling the pressure to come up with something great, while not necessarily knowing where to start. Even if Mama doesn’t think that Halloween is a really big deal, it’s a sure bet that the kids do!

Fear not! I would recommend you go grab yourself a hot beverage (coffee is my poison!), find a comfy chair because I’ve got a bunch of creative Halloween costume ideas just for you! They won’t break your budget, won’t take too long, but they will give you that satisfying feeling of a job well done.

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What You Need to Know About Karneval in Germany

Hi there! How are things in your part of the world lately? This past week in our corner of Germany we have started seeing a change in the weather. Sure, this winter hasn’t been too extreme. But it’s still been, you know, cold.

This week though? Amazing colours at sunrise of golds, pinks, purples and blues. More sun and blue sky throughout the day. We even had unseasonably warm temperatures hovering around the mid-teens (that’s Celsius, for you North American types!). The plants are covered in leaf buds. The early bloomers like snowdrops and crocuses are on display. Some of the other bulbs are heavy with flower buds waiting for the weather to warm up just that little bit more. Spring is definitely on it’s way. Hallelujah!

However, the main excitement around these parts at the moment is Karneval. And by “around these parts” I mean in many regions of Germany and specifically the kids in our house 😉. The other week I even posted about how to sew a Hulk costume in time for Karneval this year. Karneval fever is well and truly alive!

But what? You haven’t heard of Karneval?

I didn’t really elaborate too much in the last post, it’s true. Well, let me try to explain a little. Depending on how hardcore you are about it and whether you are in a Karneval club or not, Karneval may be seen as either:

a) only the big loud street parade that occurs in February or March and blocks off the city streets, or

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How to Sew the Perfect Hulk Costume

Do you know what is generating excitement around here? The upcoming Karneval celebration! Here in Germany it’s spelled Karneval, other places around the world Carnival. While big cities in Germany like Cologne have massive parades to celebrate Karneval, our town here does a pretty decent job of it too.

Karneval tends to mean two things: costumes and sweets! In today’s post I wanted to focus on the costume side of things. Specifically: how to sew a child’s Hulk Costume. Hubby and I were sick of forking out money every single year for Karneval as well as months later for a new Halloween costume. Do that for each of the 3 kids and it can quickly get expensive, you know? So, solution identified: Sew them myself!

pin, pinterest, hulk, incredible hulk, hulk costume, diy costume, diy sewing, sewing project, sewing

Read on below to find out how you can sew a Hulk costume too. 😊 The sweets you’ll just have to organise for yourself! 😉

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