Love Sewing? 11 Reasons Why You Need A Sewing Machine

Did you know that sewing is one of the oldest types of textile arts? People started sewing thousands of years ago using animal sinew for thread and bones for needles to create their clothing and housing.

Humans are still sewing to this day, but thankfully we don’t have to go stripping animals to be able to do so! Modern sewing machines have made creating clothes and other fabric products a snap compared to way back when!

Sure, sewing by hand is still an option for some projects and a beautiful art form.

But I’ll be honest with you: I just don’t have the patience to hand sew anything! Which is why I own a sewing machine for my sewing projects.

If you want to get creative with fabrics and, like me, don’t have the patience to hand sew everything, here’s why you need a sewing machine too!

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Sewing for Mother’s Day: 7 Easy DIY Gifts She’ll Love!

For dozens and dozens of countries around the world, Mother’s Day will be celebrated in a couple of weeks. The big question is: Are your gifts ready yet?

As an adult, you don’t get to rely on the Mother’s Day stall at school like you did when you were a kid. You actually have to organise something all by yourself!

Even when it’s not from the school stall, handmade gifts are always a lovely, personal thing to receive.

How do I know? Because I am a mum too!

I’ve done some research and put together a round-up of 7 simple, yet beautiful, fabric gifts for you to sew this Mother’s Day. I’d be delighted if I received any of these gorgeous gifts!

Many of them are perfect for sewing beginners. Some are a great way to use up your leftover fabric stash. And there’s even a bonus no-sew fabric project in here too 😉.

Get your sewing machine ready to go!

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7 Cute DIY Easter Crafts You’ll Want to Sew Right Now!

With the Easter Bunny hopping towards us, many of us love making some cute Easter décor for home. With this in mind, I wanted to share this Easter sewing projects round-up to inspire you as you get ready for Easter too.

Sometimes we like it when the kids get in on the crafty action with us. Sometimes we busy mums prefer to grab hold of the reins and just sew the projects ourselves!

These Easter sewing patterns are cute, simple to make and a beautiful way to brighten up your home!

AND many of them are easy enough for the kids to help with or even make on their own!

Hint: If you are looking for a fun Easter craft project to make with your kids that doesn’t involve fabric or scissors, I’ve created a great tutorial on making your own salt dough Easter decorations that I know they’ll love!

Dive on in now and discover this fun batch of homemade Easter décor that you can easily sew. Psst! There’s a bonus no-sew fabric project at the end too. 😉

Continue reading “7 Cute DIY Easter Crafts You’ll Want to Sew Right Now!”

Easy Sewing Tutorial: How to Make Your Own Reusable Produce Bags

With horror, I realised that it has been a couple of years since I promised to share the easy-peasy sewing pattern for making your own reusable produce bag.

I have shared plenty of other sewing projects since then though, right?!?

I mean, it’s not like environmental issues aren’t in the media every single day. And my own children regularly point out and pick apart our family’s purchasing and consuming habits. And I have written about simple ways to reduce plastic in your own household. And we do already own several of these net fruit and vegetable bags.

It’s just that I forgot to show you how YOU can make your own too! *hangs head in shame*

These lightweight, fabric bags are perfect for your next outing to the grocery store or farmers’ market to carry home all matter of vitamin-packed fruit and veggies.

They are a perfect sewing project for anyone- yes, even sewing newbies- and can be completed in such a short time. There are a few patterns out there in internet-land, but this one is seriously MEGA easy!

In this post I’ll not only walk you through how to sew these practical bags (in 2 variations and sizes, no less!) but also give you tips on which fabrics to use.

Let’s get started!

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Simple Valentine’s Day Sewing Projects Using Your Fabric Scraps Stash

A little reminder: Valentine’s Day is coming on February 14th. This many send some of your scurrying to the store to buy some cute home decor and lovely gifts for that special someone.

But have you ever thought about making your own gifts or decorations for Valentine’s Day?

If you have a sewing machine and a pile of fabrics stashed away, there are SO many gorgeous (and easy!) craft ideas out there to do this February.

Giving a personalised, handmade gift is precious and really shows the LOVE and thought behind your Valentine’s present.

Because these crafts are made from fabric, it means they will get lots of use and not just end up on the rubbish pile anytime soon.

I have put together a list of 5 simple and cute Valentine’s Day fabric projects to sew right now.

And they’re perfect for sewing fans of all skill levels, from absolute beginners to those with years of experience and want to have some fun this Valentine’s.

Time to go dig through that fabric stash…

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The Simple Way to Sew a T-Shirt Neckline

Whether you are new to sewing or not, getting creative with your sewing projects is one of the awesome things about sewing. YOU get to decide the colour of the fabrics you use. YOU get to decide what embellishments you can make. And sometimes, YOU get to decide which technique you want to use for a particular step.

For instance, T-shirt necklines. There are a number of fabric options you could choose, a variety of different stitches you could use, and even a number of ways to sew the neckline together.

I am going to make it really easy for you and show you the simplest, cheapest way to sew a T-shirt neckline using supplies you almost surely already have in your fabric stash.

This sewing tutorial will walk you step-by-step through the whole “How do I sew a professional looking T-shirt neckline?” process- accompanied by loads of photos!

Let’s do this!

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5 Easy Steps to Sewing a Reversible Loop Scarf

So Easy, You can Sew it in Less Than 30 Minutes!

Well, hello! Great to see you here checking out this latest sewing project. Today I am going to show you the exact steps you need to sew your very own, simple yet stylish, reversible loop scarf!

A while back I published a tutorial on how to sew a patchwork infinity loop scarf which is great fun to put together. But if you’re looking for something even simpler, then this reversible scarf is it!

The cold weather is coming, there’s no stopping it! Which means more sewing, yes, of course! (D’Uh!) But not those pretty dresses and light and breezy blouses of summer. No! We are into creating those warm and cosy clothes that you can look great in AND snuggle into. Mmm, can you just imagine it, a beautiful soft and warm, handmade scarf?

Oh! And did I mention it’s also reversible? 2 looks for the price of one! Aaaaand there are 3 sizes of this scarf for you to choose from, so you’ve got the whole family covered! 😉

sewing, sewing project, scarf, reversible scarf, diy, beginners sewing, sewing newbie, nähen, nähprojekt, pin, Pinterest

But wait! What?

Think you’re too busy to start a new sewing project? Think again! Trust me, this one will take you less than 30 minutes to complete!

Or perhaps you think you’re too much of a beginner and don’t feel confident to try any *tricky* sewing projects? Number 1: everybody else who you see conjuring amazing sewing creations had to start somewhere and so do you! Don’t be scared 😊. Number 2: this is one of the easiest sewing projects you will EVER find! Truly!

Or maybe you’re gonna tell me you don’t want to go out shopping for more fabric when you have so many leftover pieces hiding in those cartons? I hear you! This project is perfect for using up those smaller pieces, especially when you can coordinate them with an item of clothing you already sewed for yourself!

So, are there any more ifs and buts? Or shall we get started sewing?!?

Continue reading “5 Easy Steps to Sewing a Reversible Loop Scarf”

Sewing Project: How to Sew Your Own Layered-Look Shirt

Otherwise known as:

SOS! Help! I don’t have enough fabric to finish my sewing project! What can I make with my leftover fabric?!?

Have you ever made plans to sit yourself down and finally take care of a sewing project you’ve been pushing back for a while?

You grab the fabric. Maybe you bought it a long time ago. Maybe you were given it from a friend. Perhaps it was some leftover pieces from another project or even another item of clothing you wished to upcycle.

*Gasp!* The fabric pieces are not large enough to complete the sewing project as you imagined it. Oh no! What to do?!?

This is EXACTLY what happened to me the other week! A lovely acquaintance of mine gifted me some pieces of fabric and immediately Miss 12 claimed 2 of them as her own, implying that I should conjure up a long-sleeve shirt for her. At the last minute though, we realised that the fabric she wanted me to use for the long sleeves wasn’t quite long enough!

Have no fear! Not all was lost. Us creative types often need to modify our project plans, right? My daughter did get her long sleeve shirt, but in a new and funky, layered-look.

sewing, sewing project, nähen, nähprojekt, DIY, layered-look shirt, sewing tutorial, sewing how-to, pin, Pinterest

Are you intrigued how I did it? This post is going to walk you through the steps to turn a feared fabric shortage into a perfectly cool, one-of-a-kind shirt.

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The One Sewing Trick That Will Save You Time

Who loves a good time-saver?

**raises hand and yells “Me! Me! Me!**

Life is busy enough already, what with work and kids and managing the household and keeping everyone fed and healthy. And then on top of that you need to get in some time for yourself.

When sewing is your thing and you’ve finally been able to sit down with your machine you want, no NEED, to be able to use your time as effectively as possible. Who wants to waste time chopping and changing between 2 or more of the same projects?!?

sewing, sewing project, sewing tips, sewing tricks, time-saver, nähen, nähprojekt, spar Zeit, DIY, pin, Pinterest

Do you know what I mean? When you have decided to sew multiples of the same thing, like those DIY Fabric Face Masks during Corona virus times. (I have now sewn close to 100 😳). Or fun easy-sew bean bags for the kids. Once you’ve gotten started on one, you may as well just plough through at least a few others at the same time.

I really wish I had known of this trick a while back as it not only saves you time, but also your thread! How cool is that?!?

Allow me to show you exactly how it works and you’ll be zooming through your next sewing projects in no time! Let’s go!

Continue reading “The One Sewing Trick That Will Save You Time”

How to Sew Easy-Breezy Bean Bags

If you thought last week’s headband sewing project was super simple, then have I got another treat for you today!

DIY, homemade, bean bags, sewing project, sewing for beginners, games for kids, nähen, nähprojekt, Pin, Pinterest

Many children are unexpectedly at home lately. Parents and teachers alike are doing their best to ensure our kids are being entertained, educated and well-cared for.

What do your kids enjoy doing in their spare time lately? Mine? Reading, reading and more reading. I had published 2 posts a while back with book recommendations for girls (co-written by my daughters 😉) which you can check out here and here if you need some new children’s book recommendations.

My children don’t need any more book recommendations for now, say I. Some days my kids just need pretty strong encouragement to get outside and moving in the fresh air. Which is why I was so happy when the high school sports teacher started sharing basic sports activities online and delivered a pair of bean bags to my eldest daughter to get her equipped.

Looking at those bean bags, I thought to myself “I can make them too!”. Voila! New sewing project undertaken and several other children made happy.

And now I am sharing with you this easy sewing project. No, not easy. Easier than easy. Beginners can make these. Experienced sewers can make these. Kids can make these.

Ready to get your fun on? Let’s get sewing! And sporty 😉!

Continue reading “How to Sew Easy-Breezy Bean Bags”