In this week’s post I am going for something completely different. Not sewing-related, although I am working on a post with simple instructions to sew your own mouth & nose mask. Not how best to learn a new hobby in 5 days (who needs that pressure ?!?). Not even keeping the kids entertained if they’re home from school. (If you want some suggestions for that, you’ll need to read here.)
This is just for you. This one is for the grown-ups. 😊
No, not because it is X-rated! It’s because it’s time for sharing some simple, guilty pleasures for parents who may be struggling with the chance to win a little “me time” lately. Let’s see a raise of hands: Who couldn’t use a little more time to laugh and chill out these days?
Given the circumstances worldwide at the moment, all things online are getting a real workout! I know that sometimes within my own house my laptop’s internet connection drops out and I need to wander around the house to see just how many other family members are sucking the connection dry 😉. For so many of us, it is our only connection to the wider world: to friends and family, to entertainment and learning options, to culture and sport and much more.
So, in the name of “me time” and/or zoning-out-time-wasting I have searched the internet and found you a sample of some fun, free quizzes to give you a laugh. Some of these quizzes will even give those grey cells a workout in these unusual times.
Are you curious? Are you ready for a little fun? Count me in!
Continue reading “5 Fabulously Fun Ways to Test Your General Knowledge”