Did you know that sewing is one of the oldest types of textile arts? People started sewing thousands of years ago using animal sinew for thread and bones for needles to create their clothing and housing.
Humans are still sewing to this day, but thankfully we don’t have to go stripping animals to be able to do so! Modern sewing machines have made creating clothes and other fabric products a snap compared to way back when!
Sure, sewing by hand is still an option for some projects and a beautiful art form.
But I’ll be honest with you: I just don’t have the patience to hand sew anything! Which is why I own a sewing machine for my sewing projects.

If you want to get creative with fabrics and, like me, don’t have the patience to hand sew everything, here’s why you need a sewing machine too!
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning that I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you.
When you start your new hobby of sewing, it can seem overwhelming at first. Isn’t it all a bit too expensive? Don’t I need a whole room just for my sewing gear like those pretty photos I see on Pinterest? Do I really need to buy all those fancy looking tools?
My answer to those questions is a big fat NO!
There ARE some basic sewing tools that you do need that will definitely keep you sewing happily on most projects. As tempting as it might be, it’s not necessary to buy one of everything that sparkles at your local crafts and fabric store. 😉
Aaaaand of course, you’ll be needing a sewing machine, right?!?

What is a Sewing Machine Used for?
A sewing machine is a specialist machine designed to join pieces of fabric together with thread.
Pick up anything made of cloth around the house or in your wardrobe and you can be pretty sure it was sewn using a sewing machine.
Is it Worth Having a Sewing Machine at Home?
This time my answer is a big fat YES!
There are loads of types of sewing machines available on the market, ranging from tiny handheld machines up to several thousand dollars’ worth of technology. Unless you are a millionaire, you can probably stop eyeing off the thousand-dollar machines! 😅
BTW, this post is not about recommending any one machine over the other (although I do love my own Brother sewing machine).
Some important things to remember when considering which sewing machine to have at home:
- What projects do you think you’ll want to sew?
- What is your budget?
- Find a sewing machine that has a variety of stitches to choose from (5 different stitches is probably too few, but think about how realistic it is that you’ll need a choice of 70 or more).
- Does the machine have a handle for easy transport?

Reasons Why You Need a Sewing Machine
01. Save time with a sewing machine vs sewing by hand
Sewing by hand can create some stunning, unique work. But do you want to spend hours hand-sewing a T-shirt when you can knock it over in less than an hour on a sewing machine?
The sewing machine was invented for the exact purpose of saving time in the production of clothes and other textile projects.
Simply put: a sewing machine needle can move a gazillion times faster than a hand holding needle and thread. Which gives you more time for your next sewing project 😉.
02. Sewing machine stitches are more accurate than hand-sewn stitches
Almost all modern sewing machines let you choose the stitch length, so once you have the machine threaded and the fabric lined up correctly, your sewing machine will consistently produce accurate stitching in the size of your choosing.
It is much more difficult to achieve perfectly equal-sized stitches in hand sewing, which could in turn affect the final look of your creation.
03. Sewing machine stitches are stronger than hand-sewn stitches
When sewing by hand, only one thread is used to create the stitches.
A sewing machine uses 2 threads (the upper thread and the lower thread in the bobbin) to join the fabric layers together. While sewing, these 2 threads are knotted together, which helps hold the stitching in place and lowers the chance of the stitches pulling apart.

04. A sewing machine makes it easier to work with tough fabrics
Heavy fabrics such as denim or leather can be hard work and extremely time-intensive to sew by hand. Imagine trying to sew yourself a pair of jeans with all those pockets and top-stitching without a machine!
The accuracy and strength of the stitches of a sewing machine are definitely your friends when working with such heavy materials.
05. Sew your own tailored garments
Ever been out shopping for clothes and admired something in the window but the colour wasn’t what you were after? Or perhaps you found some trousers you loved, but wanted them to be shorter? What if you could recreate those clothes at home in exactly YOUR size?
THAT is what owning a sewing machine can do for you! Make the clothes and items you love, in exactly the perfect size, colour, pattern and fabric of your choosing!

06. Save money on alterations and repairs
What if you did end up buying those too-long trousers? Or a hem has split on your child’s T-shirt?
Pull out your sewing machine and you can quickly solve the problem yourself without paying loads of cash to have them professionally altered or repaired!
07. Sewing can help save the environment
Do you know the average number of times a woman wears any piece of clothing? According to the Earth Day organisers, the answer is a horrifying low of 7-10 times! And then? Most of the unwanted garments would either be donated or end up in landfill.
By having a sewing machine at home, any clothes in need of repairs can be stitched up rather than thrown out. And many clothes can be upcycled into something new if you don’t want them anymore. Old curtains and business shirts into funky storage baskets anyone?!?

08. Choose when you want to sew
Joining a sewing class is a great way to learn to sew and continually improve your skills. But what if you just don’t want to wait until next week to finish that sewing project?
Or perhaps you love sewing, but only have the chance to when you visit your Mum who owns a machine.
All the more reason to get your own machine for your home! You choose when and for how long you get to sew. No more fitting in with other people’s schedules!
09. Sewing is a useful skill
There are so many awesome reasons to sew. Sewing is great for eye-hand coordination. Sewing is great for your mental health (except when you have to use the seam ripper!!).
And think of all the things that you can sew for you, your family and your home: clothes, home décor, gifts, bags, toys, storage baskets, costumes… The sky is really the limit with a sewing machine!

10. You could start your own handmade crafts business
Have you seen all those cute handmade fabric goodies at your local markets, on Pinterest, Etsy and more? Once upon a time, somebody started sewing at home on their sewing machine and decided to start a business with their skills and passion for creating.
Perhaps making some money that way might be in your future too?? 🤔
11. Sewing is loads of fun!
Sewing lets you unleash your creativity and create one-of-a-kind products. There are so many sewing techniques and tricks you can discover, that you’ll enjoy always learning something new! And you can make new friends sewing or enjoy sewing together with your own kids. Have a read of more reasons why sewing is good for you. 😉

So, are you feeling the need to go sewing machine shopping now?!?
Tell me in the comments below why you think YOU need to have a sewing machine at home!

Hi Jen, well I had a plan last year to get back into sewing, made a top and a dress, cut out my next dress but then life somehow became too busy and my sewing has languished.
However there is hope! I am Marie Kondo-ing my way through the clutter of life and the sewing room is high on my priority list. So many competing priorities for my time.
I do enjoy your reading about your projects and seeing how you use your camera skills to include shots of your children! Very nice.
So just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s great.
What a lovely comment, thank you! I am sure once you have set yourself some sewing space you’ll get right into it!