Let’s Celebrate This Birthday Together!- My First Year Blogging

Wowsers, has this week been exciting! Well, OK, I’m not sure how it was for you (feel free to tell me in the comments section below 😉). But for me, mega! Why?

Because this past week my baby turned one! No, not a real live human baby. (Three kids is plenty enough for this Mama.) My blogging baby! My Everything’s Famtastic.

Twelve months ago I finally quit listening to that little anxious voice in my head, grabbed the credit card to cover the subscription fees, faced my fears, and published my first blog post. I opened myself up to the whole wide world because I felt like I had something to share, something that might be just what someone, what you, were looking for.

Do you know what my very first post was about?

That first published post was called “Make Classic Calendars from Your Fantastic Photos”. And do you want to know what’s really funny? Do you want to guess what it is I have also been working on this past week? You wouldn’t believe it… A calendar for 2020 full of fantastic family photographs! 🤣

What has Happened on this Blog Over the Last Year?

Since that humble beginning I have continued plugging away, creating new content each week. In this past year I have written all sorts of posts about living as an expat mum of 3 bilingual kids in a wannabe eco-friendly household and sewing as a hobby passion. I write about these themes with YOU in mind, hoping that you find them helpful and informative, or inspiring and motivating, or comforting and even entertaining! Take your pick! Whatever works best for YOU 😉.

I am also really proud to report that my children are fascinated with this “blogging thingy”. They see how focussed and determined I am. They want to read my material. They are so inspired by my work that they even want to write their own content to contribute. (Miss 11 actually got her wish last week and collaborated with me on that book review post . She did marvellously, right?!?)

I of course want to send out a big THANKS to those same children for keeping me on my toes, but for also providing lots of mind-blowing chaos er, snotty tissues and dropped food crumbs, er, hugs and love. And definitely also to my unfailingly supportive Hubby, who recognises what it is I am aiming for and has done his best to hold down the fort when I was at the computer.

So, I hear you asking, am I now one of those ridiculously successful, self-made millionaire “Mommy Bloggers” you see all over Pinterest? Um, no.

And I’m not in it for the millions. (Note: If you per chance do have a million Euros and feel willing to part with it, I would happily accept 😉. You know, mortgage and all that?!? LOL). No, really, I truly believe that these stories I share with you have a purpose and I hope that they resonate with you. I am here to serve.

What Goodies are Coming in the Year Ahead?

Well, I am not going to let you in on all the secrets. And naturally there are many ideas classified as “Work in Progress”. But I can tell you that there will be many more parenting tips, eco-friendly household ideas and sewing projects coming your way. And most likely some input from some very determined and creative kids 😉.

Now it’s Your Turn

I’d love to hear from YOU. What post did you most enjoy this year? Why? What would you like to hear more about? In what area do you think you could use more support? What would you like to learn?

If you would post in the comments section below or send me a message I’d be SO honoured. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Here’s to another year of challenges, support, growth and fun, TOGETHER. Cheers to us!

birthday, beginning of a blog, celebration, anniversary,
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