How to Easily Unpick Serger Stitching Sewing Tutorial

Did you know that there is TRULY an easy way to unpick a 4-thread overlock stitch?!?

No really!

Nobody (well, nobody that I know) enjoys picking stitches. And especially not a seam made with 4 separate threads on an overlocker!

A seam ripper is one of those necessary evils when it comes to sewing. Even when you don’t want to have to use one, there will come a time, my friend, that you can’t avoid reaching for it. And a seam ripper is just one of several essential tools you’ll need for sewing.

But instead of going like a wild child at that seam that needs unpicking, how about learning a simple way to do it that will help you save time and avoid choppy threads, torn fabric and perhaps shredded nerves too!

Once you know this trick, you’ll never look back, trust me!

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You know that saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention”?

Well, I didn’t invent this technique.

But after serging together the armholes of a top for my daughter during a Covid-induced brain fog…

Well, let’s just say it was a necessity for me to unpick some unwanted seams made on my overlocker. 🙈

And because this technique is actually easy peasy lemon squeezy once you know it, I though that I just had to share it with you so you know it too!

Overlocker machines AKA sergers, may look intimidating with their multiple fancy thread cones. And you might wonder whether you should even own one (Take a look at this Sewing Machine vs Serger post.) But they are super helpful for many sewing projects. Even if you do have to occasional rip some seams sometimes…

In this sewing tips tutorial, I have included a mix of photos and short (like, less than a minute!) videos so you can easily follow how to unpick your own serger seams when necessary. I mean, no-one does this thing for fun, right?!?

A 4-Thread Serger Stitch

I have sewn the seam here using 4 different coloured threads to make it easier for you to follow which thread forms which part of the stitching.

Sewing help: how to unpick a serger seam
Getting to know the 4 threads of a serger stitch

Step by Step Sewing Tutorial: How to unpick overlock stitches from your serger

Unpicking serger stitches: Start with the right needle thread
Unpicking serger stitches: Next remove the left needle thread
Unpicking serger stitches: Last remover the looper threads

And THAT is how it’s done!

Now wasn’t that easier and less stressful than picking and ripping stitches of 4 threads randomly?!?

Next time you have a serging fail sewing mistake, you know how to deal with it quickly and cleanly!

Have you seen this insider sewing tip before? Let me know in the comments below how it works for you next time you need it!

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