Sensational Book Series for Boys Aged 6 to 9 Years

This week’s post is going to be all about books. The fun kind. For boys. It’s a change of pace from the last few posts I have written here. And afterall, the season of gift-giving is coming. Maybe you’ll find some inspiring gift ideas. 😉

By the way, I have some great gift ideas for bookworms which might help you out, if your kids are anything like mine and your book collection has grown to epic proportions!

But for now, let’s get back to the world of books.

Both of my daughters LOVE books and were so determined to share their addiction love of reading with others, that they begged me to let them write a list of book series they highly recommend. You can read those lists here: book series for girls 6 to 9 and book series for girls 9 to 12.

But God forbid my son be left out of the action. He too wanted to share his love of reading with other kids (Hello, Bookworm #3 of the family!) and voila! Here we are.

If you are ready to dive into the world of unbeatable book series for boys, then you’ll want to keep reading!

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33 Mega Funny Jokes for Kids That Will Make Them Laugh Out Loud

Who DOESN’T love to have a good laugh? NO-ONE, right?!?

After this past year we’ve experienced, it’s as good a time as any to put on your silly hat, sit down with the kids and share a belly-aching, laugh-out-loud session together.

Sharing jokes with your kids is a great way to spend time fun together as a family. It also gives children a chance to improve their reading and story-telling skills, encourage word-play and of course , cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down.

I’ve put together 33 thoroughly hilarious jokes guaranteed to make your kids crack up and give you a giggle too.

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37 Simple Ways for Busy Moms to Practice Self Care

Valentine’s Day. All over social media there’s love in the air and chatter about what nice things we can should do (and buy!) for the people that we love. But behind all the lovey-dovey talk, there’s a very important person we keep forgetting about.


The mothers of the world work so hard to care for their families 24/7 yet all too often forget to plan in anything nice for themselves. Even just to take a breather.

Quite a while back I touched on why moms should take a time out. It’s definitely time for a recap and to fill you in a little more about practicing self care.

But wait! Isn’t self care really just being selfish?!?

In case you’re a little unsure, keep reading to find out about what self care means, why it is so important- yes, YOU TOO should be practicing self care- and a list of simple, yet beneficial, ways you too can take a time out to care for yourself.

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Cheap & Easy Awesome Activities to Stop Kids Saying They’re Bored

I’ve been hearing from a lot of fellow mums lately, about how hard it is to keep their kids busy and entertained these days. I hear you. (I am one of them trust me! 😉)

For a million reasons not limited to: the kids being at home more, household budgets getting tighter, chaotic work schedules, fewer activities outside of the home being an option, even lousy weather, parents just like you are struggling to come up with new ideas to keep their kids occupied and happy.

Last year I published a great post with tons of fun ideas (Psst! That are not TV!) to keep your children occupied when school’s closed .

In the list you’ll find a range of things for kids to do when they’re bored. There are indoor activities and outdoor activities, sporty activities and quiet ones, as well as social and independent activities for kids of all ages.

No matter whether you have toddlers, tweens or teens in the house not only will the ideas on that list stop your children from saying “Mum I’m bored!”, they are all budget-friendly! Fun and cheap ideas for kids?!? Yes please!!

Because I keep hearing people ask for help on how to keep the kids entertained when they’re stuck at home, I thought it was time for a fresh update of my kid- (and mum-) friendly ideas. But this time I am not the only one here with the suggestions.

I have called on a group of fantastic fellow mums to share their top tips for clever ideas to keep kids busy. I’m really excited to have them all on board, because as we mamas all know, what works for one family isn’t guaranteed to work for the next.

Have fun reading the dozens of ideas in this post and pick and choose as you please, the best boredom-busting activities for your kids.

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What’s Christmas like in…? Fun Christmas Traditions Around the World

I’ve got a real treat for you today! I am taking you on a sleigh ride to peek at how people celebrate Christmas around the world! And you don’t even need to pay for the fare. It’s my feel-good Christmas surprise for you!

I’ve got a bunch of expat friends and bloggers together to write about what Christmas is like for them in their respective adopted countries. It’s a really fun insider’s look at this lovely time of the year.

pin, Pinterest, christmas, christmas traditions, christmas celebrations, christmas around the world, expat life, expat tales, expat stories, expat christmas

Have you ever wondered how people celebrate Christmas in other countries? Maybe you didn’t even know that the 25th December is not always a big deal in holiday celebrations at this time of year. Well then, buckle up and come along for the ride to explore Christmas traditions around the world with me!

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The 3 Ps of Plane Travel with Children: Useful Tips for Flying with Kids

School summer holidays are starting. The kids are buzzed about summer break. The last months have been pretty intense. It’s time to get away and see something other than those same 4 walls. What are you going to do?

If you’re likely to be staying around home for the next few weeks (thank you, COVID-19), take a look at this seriously cool list of summer boredom busters, put together by real live, actual kids 😊.

Or perhaps you’re looking to cram the car full and hit the road on a road trip with the fam? Have a read of this road trip planner and make sure you’ve not forgotten a single thing to keep the kids happy and occupied in the back seats!

But what about if you’re thinking of even bigger plans for travelling with the kids this year?

I can help you out with planning for that too! And no, I am not talking about getting on a cruise ship…

plane travel, travel, holiday, tips, travel tips, family and parenting, travelling with children, pin, Pinterest
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5 Fabulously Fun Ways to Test Your General Knowledge

In this week’s post I am going for something completely different. Not sewing-related, although I am working on a post with simple instructions to sew your own mouth & nose mask. Not how best to learn a new hobby in 5 days (who needs that pressure ?!?). Not even keeping the kids entertained if they’re home from school. (If you want some suggestions for that, you’ll need to read here.)

This is just for you. This one is for the grown-ups. 😊

No, not because it is X-rated! It’s because it’s time for sharing some simple, guilty pleasures for parents who may be struggling with the chance to win a little “me time” lately. Let’s see a raise of hands: Who couldn’t use a little more time to laugh and chill out these days?

Given the circumstances worldwide at the moment, all things online are getting a real workout! I know that sometimes within my own house my laptop’s internet connection drops out and I need to wander around the house to see just how many other family members are sucking the connection dry 😉. For so many of us, it is our only connection to the wider world: to friends and family, to entertainment and learning options, to culture and sport and much more.

quiz, mobile phone, fun, general knowledge, online quiz, pin, Pinterest

So, in the name of “me time” and/or zoning-out-time-wasting I have searched the internet and found you a sample of some fun, free quizzes to give you a laugh. Some of these quizzes will even give those grey cells a workout in these unusual times.

Are you curious? Are you ready for a little fun? Count me in!

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17 Sensational Ideas to Keep Kids Busy When School is Closed (and TV is Not One of Them!)

Wow, how quickly the world changes. One minute your kids are at school and you’re rocking your everyday life. The next- kablam!- you’ve got your kids at home with you all day because the schools and kindergartens and child care centres are closed.

Well, at least that’s how it is for me, here in Germany. How about where you’re living?

In our town it started last week already when the local high schools closed. Then it was ALL schools and kindergartens. And then it was all children’s extra-curricular activities, you know, like sport, music lessons, youth groups and so on. And then all forms of possible entertainment outside of the home, like public libraries, museums, cinemas, zoos and pools. Everyone is being reminded to stay at home as much as possible and not mingle with others.  That now rules out organising playdates for the kiddos. The latest news today is that playgrounds are closed too.

Sure, the schools are doing their best to keep up with the changing times and send over some homework for the kids to work through. But it’s not the same (for them or for you) as being out of the house learning for hours and hours every day.

I know a lot of people have been falling back on TV and DVDs to entertain their children at this challenging time. It is certainly a simple and easy way to keep them occupied for a while. Unless they all argue about what to watch and whose turn it is to select the program … 😉

There will be no judgement or finger pointing here. To each his own, as they say. But our kids usually only watch TV on weekends and if we can avoid it, we’d love that they didn’t sit glued to the sofa for hours every day.

pin, pinterest, school closures, corona virus, fun activities, activities for kids

So what’s a Mama with a houseful of kids to do?!? I’ve prepared a list for you of non-TV fun activities to keep your children entertained and happy while school (and pretty much everything else!) is closed for a few weeks. I’ve got your back! 👍

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Brilliant Book Series Girls 6 to 9 Years Old will Love

Wait! What?!? Are we in February already? Whoa! I have been working countless hours behind the scenes here on Everything’s Famtastic, studying and planning and preparing great content to serve you better. And I was starting to think that February might have been a little sewing-biased. And that would have been OK. But no! Not anymore!

My younger daughter decided that enough was enough. She was waiting no longer to have her turn in the spotlight like her bigger sister before her. So for this week, sewing chit chat is off the table, and children’s book reviews are the thing everyone is talking about.

pin, pinterest, reading, books, book recommendations, book reviews, childrens' books, books for girls, books for girls 6-9

If you remember, a few weeks back my eldest daughter (Miss 11) wanted to create a post reviewing her personally chosen and recommended book series for girls aged 9 to 12 years old. I was responsible for the general blurb, she wrote the review entirely independently. I’ve gotta say, I was REALLY proud of her and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback for her reviews 😊. *pat on the back Miss 11*

Not only our eldest daughter, but also our younger daughter and son are all complete and utter bookworms. Hand them a half-interesting book and it may well be finished within hours. Naturally Miss 8 (and Master 6, to be honest) also want to share their opinions of the best books to read. And by share, I mean, write a review here on this very blog. Who said the fam in FAMtastic didn’t stand for family?!?

So, without further ado, come and take a look at Miss 8’s recommended, best book series for 6 to 9 year old girls! I’m really excited that she wants to get on board with my blog! Read on…

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9 Surprising Benefits of Cooking with Your Kids

Man, oh, man! This week has been an entirely different one to the last. Last week I was home with an ill Master 6 the whole week.  My little guy is healthy and back at kindy and bouncing off the walls again (er, unsure whether the second thing is positive or not) and I have had some time to get back into the swing of keeping things here under control. Or at least, that’s my illusion and I’m sticking to it! 😉

While my son is busy burning off excess energy, I am burning off some energy too, both the physical and mental kind. Physical, because one of my goals for the year was to hit the gym twice a week and I can proudly report back: so far so good.

And the mental energy? I am reworking my sewing space! After a couple of trips to Ikea, you know, “just to pick up a couple of things” 😉 and coming home with new bedsheets, a cutlery drawer insert and some magazine holders, I also bought a new shelf and storage system for my sewing area. So plans are being hatched about how to use the space most effectively and let me get back into my favourite hobby *evil laugh while tapping fingertips together*. I am VERY excited! Stay tuned, I will be showing off the results shortly.

But as we all know, being a mother is rarely “about me” and this post is no different. What we ALL are getting excited about is: this weekend. This coming Sunday, January 26th, is Australia Day!

Australia Day, Australia, Australian kids clothing

Yes, this Australia Day I will be baking, not partying. But the kids are BUSTING not only to be able to eat lamingtons again but also to help make them. And we do like creating fun food in the kitchen together. Especially treats like these 🙂.

Wait! What? You didn’t know Australia had a national holiday? And you don’t know what lamingtons even are?!? Ok, let me go back a few steps…

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