How to Sew Easy-Breezy Bean Bags

If you thought last week’s headband sewing project was super simple, then have I got another treat for you today!

DIY, homemade, bean bags, sewing project, sewing for beginners, games for kids, nähen, nähprojekt, Pin, Pinterest

Many children are unexpectedly at home lately. Parents and teachers alike are doing their best to ensure our kids are being entertained, educated and well-cared for.

What do your kids enjoy doing in their spare time lately? Mine? Reading, reading and more reading. I had published 2 posts a while back with book recommendations for girls (co-written by my daughters 😉) which you can check out here and here if you need some new children’s book recommendations.

My children don’t need any more book recommendations for now, say I. Some days my kids just need pretty strong encouragement to get outside and moving in the fresh air. Which is why I was so happy when the high school sports teacher started sharing basic sports activities online and delivered a pair of bean bags to my eldest daughter to get her equipped.

Looking at those bean bags, I thought to myself “I can make them too!”. Voila! New sewing project undertaken and several other children made happy.

And now I am sharing with you this easy sewing project. No, not easy. Easier than easy. Beginners can make these. Experienced sewers can make these. Kids can make these.

Ready to get your fun on? Let’s get sewing! And sporty 😉!

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Tutorial: How to Sew a Stunningly Simple Headband

Yay! It’s May! The sunshine is warming up. We are grateful for lots of clear blue sky. The flowers are blooming one after the other. Our fruit trees and bushes are showing signs of fruit yet to grow.

Do you want to know what else I love about May??? On the second Sunday in May, it’s Mother’s Day! My Hubby would try and convince me that “every day is Mother’s Day around here”.  But we Mamas can see past such flippant comments. We love having a least one day where we are practically guaranteed to get a little spoiled 😉. For all that we do, we Mothers are amazing and deserve it.

Would you like to know the biggest reason why I love May? My younger daughter would try to convince you it’s because it’s her birthday. And while that is lovely, the reason is that in May it’s also MY birthday!!!

Chance of birthday celebrations with friends at the moment due to a certain virus? Zero. ☹

What I can do, however, is celebrate online with you! And because I know that it is not only me busting to get back to the hairdresser to have my roots coloured (I know, #firstworldproblems) in honour of my birthday I am giving YOU a present!

sewing, sewing project, sewing newbie, sewing for beginners, beginners sewing project, DIY, fabric, headband, pin, pinterest

I am going to show you how to create a super easy headband to cover up those greys for when you can’t get to the hairdresser. Or for when you just want to look cool and carefree anyway! 😉

AND this sewing project will only take you less than 20 minutes! Don’t believe me? See for yourself…

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Easter Crafts for Kids: Easy Salt Dough Decorations

Most kids are home this week for Easter holidays. The suspense is building. The Easter Bunny and his basket filled with chocolate goodies is just days away. Oh, my children’s (more so for my little guy) excitement is clear to see!

What better way to keep them entertained while waiting for their sugar shock on Sunday morning than with some Easter activities?

The other week I guest posted on Skelly Hodge Podge with some fabulous, felt, easy-sew Easter Bunnies, perfect for little hands to create 😉.

If you’re the sewing type yourself, you and your kids could also try sewing these cute Egg Baskets (my kids especially enjoyed helping with choosing the fabrics and trying out various ways of filling and decorating the baskets 😉).

Today’s family-friendly, easy-peasy craft that I would love to share with you, is how to make Easter ornaments out of dough. Yes, dough! Never though about baking playdough? Well, let me show you how!

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17 Sensational Ideas to Keep Kids Busy When School is Closed (and TV is Not One of Them!)

Wow, how quickly the world changes. One minute your kids are at school and you’re rocking your everyday life. The next- kablam!- you’ve got your kids at home with you all day because the schools and kindergartens and child care centres are closed.

Well, at least that’s how it is for me, here in Germany. How about where you’re living?

In our town it started last week already when the local high schools closed. Then it was ALL schools and kindergartens. And then it was all children’s extra-curricular activities, you know, like sport, music lessons, youth groups and so on. And then all forms of possible entertainment outside of the home, like public libraries, museums, cinemas, zoos and pools. Everyone is being reminded to stay at home as much as possible and not mingle with others.  That now rules out organising playdates for the kiddos. The latest news today is that playgrounds are closed too.

Sure, the schools are doing their best to keep up with the changing times and send over some homework for the kids to work through. But it’s not the same (for them or for you) as being out of the house learning for hours and hours every day.

I know a lot of people have been falling back on TV and DVDs to entertain their children at this challenging time. It is certainly a simple and easy way to keep them occupied for a while. Unless they all argue about what to watch and whose turn it is to select the program … 😉

There will be no judgement or finger pointing here. To each his own, as they say. But our kids usually only watch TV on weekends and if we can avoid it, we’d love that they didn’t sit glued to the sofa for hours every day.

pin, pinterest, school closures, corona virus, fun activities, activities for kids

So what’s a Mama with a houseful of kids to do?!? I’ve prepared a list for you of non-TV fun activities to keep your children entertained and happy while school (and pretty much everything else!) is closed for a few weeks. I’ve got your back! 👍

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9 Surprising Benefits of Cooking with Your Kids

Man, oh, man! This week has been an entirely different one to the last. Last week I was home with an ill Master 6 the whole week.  My little guy is healthy and back at kindy and bouncing off the walls again (er, unsure whether the second thing is positive or not) and I have had some time to get back into the swing of keeping things here under control. Or at least, that’s my illusion and I’m sticking to it! 😉

While my son is busy burning off excess energy, I am burning off some energy too, both the physical and mental kind. Physical, because one of my goals for the year was to hit the gym twice a week and I can proudly report back: so far so good.

And the mental energy? I am reworking my sewing space! After a couple of trips to Ikea, you know, “just to pick up a couple of things” 😉 and coming home with new bedsheets, a cutlery drawer insert and some magazine holders, I also bought a new shelf and storage system for my sewing area. So plans are being hatched about how to use the space most effectively and let me get back into my favourite hobby *evil laugh while tapping fingertips together*. I am VERY excited! Stay tuned, I will be showing off the results shortly.

But as we all know, being a mother is rarely “about me” and this post is no different. What we ALL are getting excited about is: this weekend. This coming Sunday, January 26th, is Australia Day!

Australia Day, Australia, Australian kids clothing

Yes, this Australia Day I will be baking, not partying. But the kids are BUSTING not only to be able to eat lamingtons again but also to help make them. And we do like creating fun food in the kitchen together. Especially treats like these 🙂.

Wait! What? You didn’t know Australia had a national holiday? And you don’t know what lamingtons even are?!? Ok, let me go back a few steps…

Continue reading “9 Surprising Benefits of Cooking with Your Kids”

How to Make the Prettiest Paper Christmas Star Decoration

Oh my! Christmas is coming! And fast! Do you remember back when you were a kid and asking “How many more days til Christmas?” and your parents answered with something like “Still 6 weeks, kiddo!” and you thought it would just Never. Ever. Arrive.?

These days, as a big ol’ grown-up, 6 weeks goes by SO quickly, and Christmas is over before you know it and suddenly your kids are asking you “How many more days til Easter?!?”.

pin, pinterest, christmas, crafts, christmas crafts, diy, paper crafts

This year I am feeling a bit slack with the Christmas preparations, especially on the creative and decorative side of things. But I am determined not to have Christmas arrive without me having made some effort.

As fate would have it, just the other day my son came home from kindergarten and presented his latest masterpiece- a beautiful, intricately folded paper Christmas star. If I was only going to manage one new craft project with the kids this Christmas, I knew that this would be it.

Christmas Star, DIY, Crafts, Paper Crafts

And once I had decoded the pattern, I just knew that I would have to share the secret of the Christmas star with you! (Spoiler Alert! It’s not as difficult to make as it looks!) Read on to learn how you can make your own gorgeous paper star this Christmas.

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Mega List of 61 Super Summer Boredom Busters for Kids

school holidays, summer holidays, tips, parenting, kids, boredome busters

Woo hoo! Summer has really been showing off this past week in Germany (and much of Europe, actually)! We’ve had temps up in the high 30s (around 100F). Reminds me of being back in an Australian summer. How’s the weather been in your part of the world?

I am constantly being asked how I feel about the hot weather here, while many of my compatriots (well, not really, because I am not a German citizen so that word is technically not correct. But I can’t think of a better one… “fellow inhabitants of Germany” isn’t quite as catchy 😉). Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I am constantly being asked how I am coping with the weather while many of those around me seem to be flustered, sweaty and melting. FYI- I’m all good 😉.

These past weeks I have been celebrating some of the exciting things I love about spring and summer; like strawberry season and enjoying the outdoors. And yes, we are still eating our boundless strawberry products. Can’t get enough! *nom nom*.

Since summer holidays are a HUGE deal for kids at this time of year, what a great idea it would be if only there was a long list of fantastic things to do during the school holidays. No more “Mamaaaaa I’m so boooooooored!”. Right?!? Well, drumroll please…

Continue reading “Mega List of 61 Super Summer Boredom Busters for Kids”

Get Outdoors and Savour the Summertime

Hey! Just like I promised last week. Here I am, back again! For a multitude of reasons I really needed that week’s break. But it was good for me. Now I can share with you all the good stuff that has been keeping me so busy these past weeks!

The sun has been shining here, with a few gorgeously puffy clouds gently sweeping across the blue skies. And we have been having lovely summery temperatures which I have been hankering for for months now (well, except for the 5 week break in Australia over Christmas 😉). But not counting that…

Now, I don’t know about you, but all this amazing weather makes me want to skip and twirl and grin wildly in the sunshine. Of course there are always the complainers who bemoan that at 25 degrees is it already “too hot”. Me? I’m just getting started!

I thought that it could be fun to share a few of the things that we have been doing around here these past couple of weeks. Perhaps you will find a couple of ideas that you and your family could try out now that the warmer weather and longer daylight hours are here (in the northern hemisphere at least). Or maybe it will inspire you to get outside and discover your own adventures!

So, summer days, here we go…

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Hooray for School Holidays on a Budget

(Why You Should be Excited about School Holidays Too)

Hello everyone! Sorry that I was MIA last week. I was feeling out of sorts for a couple of days, with all sorts of weird aches and pains (ever had aches in your knuckles?!?) but kept on carrying on (as you do). And then I realised I had a fever. Urgh. But, here I am again, ready to regale you with more fun and wit!

How was your week? Did you try sewing those cute little baskets? Or maybe tried tidying your house some more? But way more exciting than any of those: Did you meet up with your friends any time this past week? Just the other week I posted about the health benefits of having regular contact with friends, remember? You see, it is practically a doctor’s prescription to go out and have fun, LOL.

Lucky for me, I followed my own advice and did indeed meet up with some girlfriends. As always it was lovely to see them. In the evening even (like real adults do 😉), sans-children! There is something heavenly about being able to relax, and speak openly and without interruption for a couple of hours with friends while chilling on the sofa. No, there was no alcohol (Remember, Lent!). But yes, there was chocolate 😉.

Not only that, but I also had the joy of meeting up with 2 other friends since then for dinner. It never rains but it pours, as they say! It can be months between going out with any of these ladies and then bam! Two dinners with girlfriends in two weeks. Love it!

Mmmm, let’s get back to chocolate…

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Easy DIY Fabric Ornaments to Sew this Christmas

Hear ye, hear ye! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Yep, it’s just a few short weeks away!

How are you going with your preparations? All ready to celebrate? Or are you like me and tend to wait until the start of December to start shopping/ baking/ sewing/ crafting/panicking?

It’s definitely time to stop panicking and start your Christmas decorating with these super cute and super simple fabric Christmas ornaments to sew!

sewing, sewing project, diy sewing, christmas crafts, christmas ornaments, christmas decorations, christmas sewing, how-to, tutorial, pin, Pinterest
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