Back in the Game

Wowsers! It really has been a long time since I was here. I have been missing in action for a few weeks. Waay too long! But how nice is it to be back in the game, posting again?!? I really have missed it.

So why was I MIA for nearly a month? (Man, a month…). Do you remember just the other week many of us across the planet celebrated that little holiday called Christmas? Already seems like an eon ago, right?

Well, as you may know already, I am an expat. Specifically, I am an Australian living in Germany with my German Hubby and our 3 kids. And what do many expats scattered around the world do at special times of the year? Travel back home! I’ll give you a gold star if you can guess where we spent this past Christmas…

emu, wildlife, bird, Australia, Australian wildlife,  expat life, travel
Say “G’day!” to the locals in Australia

Yep! We travelled to Australia! BIG YAY! Although it would of course have been highly admirable that I keep posting while here, between packing (for 5!) to come here, actually travelling here (hello over 30 hours of travel!), getting over jetlag (*yawn*), and then leaping wholeheartedly into the Silly Season and all it entails… I barely pulled out my laptop to ever sit down and actually write.

But here I am again, happy to be back. Thanks for giving me the time to take a well-needed family break 😊.

I am mega grateful to even be here in Australia. It is NOT cheap to fly here from Europe, and certainly not as a family of 5. Thankfully my Hubby and I have saved hard to make this possible for me and for our family. I feel like I am walking on sunshine (a’ la Katrina and the Waves) whilst also enjoying the actual sunshine flowing down on me here Down Under. *does happy dance*

I am really pumped about sharing my latest post with you in a couple of days! Stay tuned 😉.

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