There’s something awesome about watching your child transform into their favourite animal right in front of you. The precious look on their faces as they play and prance is unforgettable.
And of course, the pride you feel after finishing such an amazing, creative outfit also makes all the imagining and planning worth it.

Over the years I have made dozens and dozens of costumes as requested by my kids, from pirates to devils to Hermoine and the Incredible Hulk. And they have loved every single one of them!
Whether it’s a last-minute costume for a school play, a Halloween party, or just a rainy afternoon project, sewing costumes is not only a delightful endeavour but also a chance to bond with your child and create cherished memories.
So, grab your fabrics, scissors, needles and imagination, and read on to discover how you too can easily sew an roarsome awesome animal costume for your kids!
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Why make costumes for your kids?
I LOVE seeing year to year how my kids’ interests change and how completely different the 3 of them are to each other. And dress-up time is when their individual personalities are completely on display.
There are so many reasons to make costumes for your kids rather than buy (the overpriced ones!) from the store!
Making costumes together can be a bonding experience for parents and children. It’s an opportunity to spend quality time together, work on a creative project, and share in the excitement of dressing up. I’ve made loads of clothes and costumes for and with my children and I’m always AMAZED at their ideas and willingness to get involved!
Costumes are commonly associated with holidays and special occasions like Halloween, Karneval costume parties, school plays, and more. Your kids will be so excited to show off their wonderful homemade costume to the world!
Costumes provide an opportunity for children to express themselves and showcase their interests and personality. They can choose costumes based on their favourite characters, animals, or themes, allowing them to assert their individuality. Well, perhaps not tooooo assertive! 😉😅
Creating costumes involves many skills, such as sewing, cutting, painting, sighing and cursing and problem-solving. When your children announce “I wanna be a … next Halloween”, being able to think outside of the box and use your sewing knowledge (and learn new sewing skills) to make their wish a reality is empowering and rewarding.
01. Easy Elephant Costume to Make

As if this costume isn’t adorable enough, take a look at that face! 🥰
This costume is great for sewing fans and non-sewers alike, because it can be made with either your sewing machine or trusty hot glue gun.
The base of this elephant costume is grey sweatshirt and trousers, which you could always sew yourself with a regular kids’ pattern if you can’t find what you’re looking for in the stores. Add in felt and an old paper towel roll and you can get started! The candy is optional 😉.
See the easy-to-follow tutorial at Better Homes & Gardens.
02. Terrific Tiger Costume Sewing Tutorial

Which kid doesn’t like to stand up and roar to get some attention every now and then?!?
This costume isn’t for the glue gun fans or absolute sewing beginners. But if you’ve had a little sewing practice, with some awesome fabric and a basic onesie jumpsuit pattern, you’ll be able to follow the sewing tutorial to give your little tiger all he needs to capture your attention!
Grab some fabulous tiger fabric, ribbing and a little stuffing for the tail.
Get the details at Everything’s Famtastic.
03. Super Sloth Hoody Costume to Sew

I have the feeling that sloths are “in” at the moment. I bit like unicorns. But let’s stick with the non-fairytale animal theme for now. 😅
This sloth costume appealed to me because of how simple and adorable it is. My Hubby is a big fan of sloths and I’m almost tempted to make one for him too, LOL.
If you’ve got the time and don’t have a hoodie in the right colour, you could always sew one yourself! Otherwise, all you need is some felt pieces and the sewing tutorial will explain the rest! You could easily sew this costume in a couple of hours.
Take a look for yourself at Happy Thought.
04. Easy DIY Spooky Spider Costume

Who thought spiders could be so cute?!?
Although this spider costume has been made for a toddler, the exact same technique would work for anyone wanting to dress up as an 8-legged critter. And it’s really super easy and a sewing machine or hot glue gun will do the trick to put it all together!
The secret ingredients you’ll need for this DIY costume are black socks (lots of them 😅), thread to make them look alive and a few eyes!
Get the spider (and bonus spider’s web) tutorial Pretty Plain Janes.
05. Perfect Homemade Parrot Costume

I had seen this homemade costume before and it looked gorgeous but terrible tricky. But I am glad to report, it’s actually not difficult at all!
There are really clear instructions and templates to help you create your own beautiful parrot costume. It will take a little time to cut out the feathers, but once that’s done, it won’t take long!
In a pinch you could try this with a hot glue gun, but stitching the pieces in place is the best way or securing the colourful plumage. Loads of felt and a little elastic is what you’ll need to create this beautiful bird.
Find out how at Make It Love It.
Need more DIY costume ideas for your kids?

I wonder… Does a dragon costume count as an animal costume? 🤔
Well, nevertheless, if you are looking for even more costume ideas- animal or otherwise- for your kiddos, you should start your handmade costume search HERE.
Which costume idea did you like the most? What’s the coolest costume you’ve ever made for your own kids?