Who DOESN’T love to have a good laugh? NO-ONE, right?!?
After this past year we’ve experienced, it’s as good a time as any to put on your silly hat, sit down with the kids and share a belly-aching, laugh-out-loud session together.
Sharing jokes with your kids is a great way to spend time fun together as a family. It also gives children a chance to improve their reading and story-telling skills, encourage word-play and of course , cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down.

I’ve put together 33 thoroughly hilarious jokes guaranteed to make your kids crack up and give you a giggle too.
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Animal Jokes, School Jokes, Knock Knock Jokes & More…
Ready for the fun and laughs? Let’s go!
Q: How many legs does a horse have?
A: Eight. Two at the front, two at the back, two on the left and two on the right.
Q: What’s the difference between a brown egg and a white egg?
A: The brown egg was on summer holidays.

A man walks into the skydiving parachute shop and asks warily “Wow, do these things really open?”. The owner answers “Sure! Well, I’ve never had someone come back to complain”.
A teacher asks her class: “Who can tell me 5 animals that live in the ocean?”
Mike answers: “Easy! One small and 4 big sharks”.
Q: Why do chickens lay eggs?
A: Because if they threw them, they’d all get broken.
Q: Why do bees hum?
A: Because they’ve forgotten the words.

Q: Why is Cinderella so bad at football?
A: Because she’s always running away from the ball.
“Waiter! Waiter! There’s a fly in my soup!”
“Not for long. Did you see that spider on the end of your spoon?”
Q: What’s the difference between spinach and boogers?
A: Most small children don’t enjoy eating spinach.
Q: What do you call a dinosaur wearing glasses?
A: Do-you-think-he-saw-us.
Q: What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
A: Finding half a worm in your apple.
Q: Why do you have to be quiet at the Chemist?
A: So the sleeping tablets don’t get woken up.
A young tiger asks his mother: “Why are we so big, wild and striped?”.
The mother answers: “Because if we were small, wild and striped we’d be wasps!”.

A skeleton walks into a restaurant, sits at a table and waits. After a while, a waiter comes by, looks at the skeleton and says: “Oh! Sorry you had to wait so long”.
Q: Why do you go to bed each night?
A: Because the bed won’t come to you.
Two cows are standing together in a field. “Moo” says one of them.
The other: “Hey! I was just about to say that!”.
Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A: A towel.

Josie and her big brother Max are sitting on the beach.
Before going in for a swim, Josie asks nervously: “Do you think that there are poisonous jellyfish or sea urchins here?”
“Nah, don’t worry,” replies Max, “they’ve all been eaten by the sharks”.
Q: What has 4 wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck.
Q: What is sweet, has 2 humps and walks through the desert?
A: A ca-ra-mel.
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Aw, don’t cry!
Q: What do you call an animal you keep in the car?
A: A carpet.

Q: What’s the difference between a TV and a newspaper?
A: Ever tried swatting a fly with a TV?
Q: What’s brown and sticky?
A: A stick.
Q: Which animal is the best at maths?
A: The octo-plus.
Two cars are already sitting in the cinema when a bus comes in. Says one car to the other: “Hey, look! A bus at the cinema!”.

Q: What do you have when a brontosaurus kicks a goal?
A: A dino-score.
A crow flies over a farm and discovers a fly on a cowpat.
“Hey fly! Do you want to hear a joke?”
“OK”, says the fly, “but nothing gross please. I’m eating right now.”
Q: Where do skeletons go for their summer holidays?
A: To the Dead Sea.
Q: What’s the best way to catch a squirrel?
A: Sit on a tree branch and make noises like a nut.
Q: What do you call an old snowman?
A: Water.
Emily walks into a pet store and asks “How much do the goldfish cost?”.
“Ten dollars each” answers the pet store owner.
“And the silverfish?”
Every evening before going to bed Dennis comes with soaking wet hair to say goodnight to his parents.
His mother groans: “Dennis, for the last time! You don’t need to give the goldfish a goodnight kiss!”
Q: What’s black and white, black and white, black and white?
A: A panda rolling down a hill.
I hope you and your kids get a kick out of the silly jokes on this list! There are so many fun jokes out there to be discovered and shared!
What about you? What’s one of your favourite family-friendly jokes? Share it in the comments section below!